Khair Khair InshAllah

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Assalamu alaykum! How have you guys been? I know we didn't update for a while, but we just thought we were the getting anywhere. But who cares right, because the few people that are reading it could've benefited and that's all what matters at the end of the day. We are now going to be trying to update weekly InshAllah. Now on to the story!

There was once a king/emperor and he had a servant. They were walking through the jungle one day. The emperor got bitten by a wild animal and his finger got cut off. He started complaining while the servant just calmly said, "Khair, khair inshallah". Good is going to come out of this, InshAllah. The emperor asked how his broken finger was supposed to be a good thing. The emperor thought his servant was mocking him and making fun of him so he sent him to jail. He said himself khair khair InshAllah. The emperor thought he gone mad.
So one day, he was walking and crossed his territory and passed into another land in the town. There were idol worshippers there and it was their special day of sacrificing to their idols. They were looking for an appropriate sacrifice and saw this wealthy looking emperor. They talked among themselves and agreed that he would be a really good sacrifice. Everything was set until they saw the broken finger. "What?" They said. "We cannot sacrifice this man, he lost a finger. The lords will curse us!" So they left him. The emperor realizes what his servant told him was right. Something good did come out of his broken finger. If he hadn't broken his finger, they would've killed him for sure. He went to release his servant from jail. The servant was shocked. The emperor explained what had almost happened to him. Then the emperor asked, "But what good came out of you being in jail?" The servant said, "If I would've been with you that day, and they didn't kill you, they would've killed me instead".

Any errors were from me and shaytaan and anything that benefits you is from Allah  SWT. May Allah guide us all!


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