Harry- Number: Part 2 (h)

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Home Again One Shot

You'd given in that night, and typed your number into Harry's phone with the promise of him texting you after he had kissed your cheek.

Before Harry, you had never had someone that you texted as constantly.

His reply would come within moments of him receiving the initial text, a single conversation could go on for hours leaving the two of you still talking in the early hours, even when he was busy he would make time to text you so that you knew what was going on...so you knew he wasn't ignoring you.

He could never ignore you just as you were so unable to ignore him.

Every time a text came through, you would tell yourself that you would wait to text him back – just a few moments to show that you weren't so eager, but you just couldn't do it.

There was something about him that juts made you want to talk to him.

He was such an interesting person, with such diverse views on the world and you couldn't help but be pulled into his world and his mind.

You could only hope that he was feeling the same.

It had been a month since you had first met Harry, and him and the boys had officially moved in with your sister due to the girls loving them too much and them having fully become a part of the family – no one could bear to see them leave.

Given the fact that George and Alice had gotten so much closer, and told the girls about them, it was a given that they just had to stay anyway.

You couldn't exactly say you were disappointed to be waking up to Harry next to you in your bed.

As you had that morning.

You were sat up against the headboard, reading your book, when Harry eventually came to.

"Morning sleepyhead," you greeted him.

He chuckled, moving closer to you and slinging his arm over your lap but effectively ruining your reading.

"I should probably get you back to my nieces."

"The other girls in my life, huh?"

You laughed, nodding in agreement. "I'm being upstaged by my own family."

Your words caused Harry to shake his head, he then sat up and pressed a kiss to your lips. "You could never be upstaged."

"Come on, they all think you were at some random girl's place last night."

"Can we tell them yet?"

"It has only been a month, and we've only been together for two weeks of that."

He sighed. "It's not as if they don't know we've been talking. They see us texting all the time and the boys know I have a thing for you."

"Let's just get to my sister's house."

As you went to get out of bed, Harry quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you into a gentle kiss. "Okay, now you can go and get changed."

Once the two of you were ready, you drove from your apartment to your sister's house and parked out front.

When you and Harry got out, he grabbed your hand to intertwine your fingers.

"Guess they're finding out."

You walked into the kitchen to see George and Alice happily cooking together, whilst the girls tried to play what looked like go fish with Teddy.

They all turned to the door when you two walked in.

"I didn't expect you two to come in at the same time." Alice spoke up, George wrapping his arm around her waist.

Harry laughed and Isabel's eyes were locked on your joined hands.

"Is he our uncle now?" she questioned, referring to Harry.

You let go of Harry's hand, making your way over to your eldest niece. "Issy, Harry and I haven't been together for very long but if it heads that way then I'm sure he wouldn't mind being your uncle."

The look on Harry's face told you that you had said the right thing.

"I guess Alice and I have the same sister now," Teddy joked.

Harry laughed but whacked his brother upside the head.


"No abusing your brother," Alice spoke up again whilst George was laughing.

She turned to George with a pointed glare, getting him to shut up.

"No offence George, but my sister has you whipped already," you told him with a smirk on your face.

George stuck his tongue out at you, clearly not impressed, but soon turned back to whatever he was cooking.

You and Harry sat down at the table, with Rosie moving to come and sit on Harry's lap even though she was still playing cards.

Isabel looked over at the two of you. "Does this mean you'll all still stay?"

Teddy chuckled and turned his gaze to Harry.

"Is, we've already moved in – I doubt you're getting rid of us any time soon."

His words caused her to smile and he hugged Rosie tighter.

"Issy," George spoke up, gaining her attention. "We like to think we're a part of your family now, and if you'll us three weirdos around, we'd like to stay."

Isabel glanced over at Rosie, who was nodding furiously, and then back to George. "Well seeing as you are all moved in, it would be rude to make you leave."

The whole room laughed.

You placed your hand on Harry's thigh as a subtle gesture, with the girls and Teddy playing cards and your sister cooking with George – it felt like family.

Harry seemed to know how you were feeling so he answered with a gentle smile as you left your hand there.

Even though it had been a matter of weeks, you were feeling as if it could be for the long run.


Written by Hannah.

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