Chaper One:A Long Drive

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Notes?Starting with a POV
[Max's POV]
For once in my life. I couldn't wait to get to camp. I met.. cool kids? People I cared about..? Something like that.. I can't explain why. My parents got that god forsaken bus to pick me up. God, I bet you they could care less if I went on the bus or not. I stared at my phone, scrolling threw some old pointless messages to my parents. Since I'm.. not the favourite kid in the neighbourhood, people treat me the same, seeing me standing at a buss stop with luggage, I guess they.. acted accordingly? Or some shit.. "Look over there! Poor 'tough guy max' is leaving!" A girl from the other side of the street called with a witty and annoying as all shit voice. "Where's your bear hot-head?! Parents got to it?" Another girl called while the other people in the group chuckled. I felt myself holding back tears. They had no right to talk about my life like that.. if I wasn't waiting for the bus.. I would have beat them the moment they mentioned 'the bear.' But soon enough the moment I got fed up and was about to show them what happens when they mess with me, the bus arrived. So I shrugged it off.. that's all I was good at doing anyways. Acting like it's all fine when it's not. after getting my stuff on the bus, I seen a couple of kids in that I recognized. And a couple I didn't. The one that caught my attention easily.. Preston Goodplay.. god puberty has gotten to him. "MAX! Down here!" Preston tapped a seat beside him excitedly. "I saved a spot for you!" Preston then started to ramble as I made it to the seat.. I felt, something. Happy, okay... love struck? No, why would I even think that.. it wouldn't make sense. We all know that those are just fake emotions we feel when we don't want to realize what's wrong. I felt bad for all the new kids coming to this camp, there parents are sure gonna be pissed on parents day, if there even is another one. I got comfortable and listen to Preston ramble about how this year was going to be 'a good one' I admired how he was always so happy. I sat and wondered what this year would be like. It was going to be a long drive to camp. And I am ready for it.
// Sorry for it being so short! I will make sure to make the next one longer! Next part will be out soon!

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