Chapter Three:Nikki

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      Notes?Mainly focusing on Max
"Max, Nikki! OW- HARRIS-" it was Neil. "NEIL HOLD STILL! Do you want it out of your hair or not?!" Harrison hissed "WELL ITS YOUR PROBLEM FOR DOING THAT STUPID SHIT!!" Neil hissed back.
"Now guys! No fighting-"  David confronted the duo before getting interrupted . "Shut it David." Max smirked. David let out a huge gasp. "Max! Well isn't it good to see you again! Although I thought you hated camp!" David said with a slight frown. "I do. But I got into a good camp this time!" Max said as he watched David's frown turn upside down and grow wide "REALLY? Which one!" David questioned. Max watch Nikki and Preston rush to Neil laughing trying to help him clean his hair from some kinda goop. Max stared at David "the 'get my parents to leave me the fuck alone' camp!" Max said proudly. David's wise smile turned into a smirk. "Okay max. Whatever you say." David then went back to attending some new campers with his usual somewhat tolerable optimistic voice. "MAX! COME LOOK AT THIS! ITS SOOOO GROSS!" Nikki screamed while running around chasing Preston with the goop. "NIKKI I SWEAR TO GOD!" Preston screamed as he dodged a huge pile that Nikki flung at him. Yep, This was the camp Max known. These were the people Max knew and liked. This was a camp that could make him happy when he didn't want to be. Max laughed and walked up to his friends. A genuine laugh, he liked it. It made him feel better. Nikki stopped in her tracks. "Wait, Max- did you just laugh- an ACTUAL laugh?!" Nikki smiled widely. The makeup on her face now melting away from her sweat. "What?! He did! I missed it!" Preston said frowning. " I don't believe it till I see it!" Neil added. Max got a bit annoyed but smirked, "Oh shut up guys!" "Now there! There is the Max we all missed!" Neil said patting his head. Neil was, almost the same actually. Max started to wonder if  puberty even hit him. All that changed about Neil was his hight. He was taller then Preston now. That's really it. "Guys! Let's go teams!" Preston grabbed Max putting him on his shoulders. Max blushed a lot. Max might be the 'big guy' but he does get flustered easily. "HAH! Your on theatre dweeb!" Nikki ran and Neil threw her on his shoulders. They then ran around for a bit, flinging the goop at each other. That was, until Harrison Decided to roll along to Nerris. God that kid had no stop sign when it came to flirting. Nikki seen them and gestured Neil to stop. Max and Preston became confused and walked up to the two seeing what they were spying on. "Oh come on 'Nerris TheCute'-" Harrison got cut off. "Harrison! Don't call me that! I'm not falling for you! You flirt with every girl you see!" Nerris demanded, a slight blush came to her face. Max noticed Nikki was fuming, "I SWEAR!! Grr, if Harrison does anything to hurt Nerris in anyway I'll-" Nikki stumbled to get the words out of her mouth before being interrupted by Preston. "Nikki, you so like her!" Preston said with a small gasp. "WHAT- no! Sh-she is just my best friend! Sure she has a cute voice- and her hair is amazing but- oh god.. I do like her!! What do I do?! What do I say?? What if she doesn't like me back!" Nikki then started to freak out a bit. "Pfft. Jeez Nik, calm down." Max chuckled, Preston took a look at Neil who was still just looking at the two. 'He was a player? Does that mean he doesn't like anyone? He just plays with their hearts?' Neil thought with a slight frown on. "What's up Neil, worried about something?" Preston questioned popping up beside Neil. "Wh-Huh? Uh- I'm just worried for- Uh- Nerris! And Nikki! Yeah! I don't want anything to upset my friend. Especially Harrison." Neil said with a slight blush. Preston didn't seem to notice, "me too! God, that magical kid can be quite the handful! I'll go chat with them! See what's happening!" Preston exclaimed.
"Come on Nik, lets get this gross stuff off your face, AND the goop." Max patted Nikki on the back who was still freaking out. Neil took one good glance at Preston, Harrison and Nerris.  Preston seemed to be scolding Harrison. "H-hey Guys! Wait for me!" Neil snapped out of his trance and went to go help Max comfort Nikki.
//Oooo- what did Harrison dooo? Who knows. I really liked how this turned out. It might start taking a while for chapters to come out, but that's because of school, AnD aLl ThAt JaZz.

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