Chapter Four

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Notes?Racist Harrison???/mostly focusing on Preston
(Also I have no clue on how to be rude- so my sister will be helping with this chapter.)
[Prestons POV]

"What's up Neil? worried about something?" I asked as Neil was just blankly starring at Harrison and Nerris. "Wh-Huh? Uh- I'm i just worried for uh- Nerris! And Nikki! Yeah! I don't want anything to upset my friend! Especially Harrison." Neil said as i noticed his slight blush. I didn't say anything about it though. I was more caught up with Harrison and Nerris. "Me too! God, that magical kid can be quite the handful! I'll go chat with them! See whats happening!" I exclaimed, nudging Neil's shoulder. He nodded and I was off, I headed to the duo. Nerris was blushing so much soon i think she would just over heat. " Come on Nerris! I know you can't resist, i mean, black people aren't  bound to find good lovers anyway! So come on! " Harrison said with a smirk, the comment set me off, I seen it also hurt Nerris. " What do you mean 'Black people aren't bound to find good lovers' what the hell are you implying magic boy?!" I let out in one big puff, I was more then angry at that comment, I was furious. I hugged Nerris seeing she was on the urge of tears. Harrison new that the slightest thing could bring Nerris down, why would he said that? Who taught him that?? "Well, my parents said it was a fact." Harrison said with a slight stutter after talking about his parents. "W-WELL! YOUR PARENTS ARE WRONG! I-I WILL FIND A-A-a.." Thats all Nerris got out before bursting into tears. I patted her on the back trying to comfort her. Harrison was just standing there, did this have no affect on him? He just made his friend cry, sometimes this kid could be such a monster.. "Nerris!! Are you okay?! Whats wrong?! Preston whats wrong with her?! Was it Harrison?? IM GONNA KILL YOU HARRISON!" Nikki came sprinting from the washroom area, Max and Neil weren't far behind her. Nikki started chasing Harrison around while Neil tried to get Nikki off of him. "What did that dwarf say to you Nerris, do I have to get Nikki away from him or can I just leave her?" Max said with little to no care. Nerris wiped the tears from her face, "I'm fine.. just sensitive, I guess."  Nerris  said with a light smile, trying to make it sound believable, as she glanced at Nikki Harrison and Neil. Max gave Nerris his usual annoyed face. "NIKKI, DOWN!" He called. In an instant Nikki stoped chasing Harrison and sat. We all giggled a little. Nikki may look different, but by god she acted completely the same. Nerris fixed her glasses and got up. Dusting some dirt off her sweater. Nerris had grown some.. ' stuff ' in the time we were gone. I guess puberty hit her as well. Now she had  a bit more hair and  lost her cape and her passion for DnD. I wonder what she was into now. "COME ON YOU LITTLE SHITS! TIME TO GO HIKING!" Gwen called from across the Camp with a speaker phone. "Thank you Gwen." David said quietly. "NO PROBLEM!" She said with a huge smile, blasting the speaker phone in David's ear. I'm pretty sure I heard Max chuckled at the sight of it.

NOTE: I AM SO, SO, SO SORRY ABOUT NOT DOING THIS FOR SO LONG! I was more caught up in school and forgot about it! Here is more of a shorter chapter today. Sorry if you were offended by Harrison?? I just had a thought his parents would be somewhat racist.. I'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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