Chaper Two:We're Back!

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Max had fallen asleep on Preston's shoulder, Preston didn't mind. He watched Max closely blushing a bit, 'is this weird..?' Preston thought to himself as the bus came to a stop urgently, knocking Max off of Preston's shoulder as he bolted awake. They then heard some screaming coming from outside of the bus. "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX-"
It was Nikki, Max and Preston both looked up. God, Nikki was.. different to say the least. "Oh, my, god!!! NIKKI! You look fabulous!!" Preston shot up. "Your hair!! It's- shorter! And, wait- are you wearing MAKEUP!?" Preston continued, Nikki didn't look like Nikki anymore, "Way to be a Barbie." Max chuckled tiredly. "Har, har! Don't worry. I'm gonna take all this gross stuff off my face when we get to camp! Anyways, think there is room for three on that seat?" Nikki glanced. None of them were to big. "Maybe! Try!" Preston said with a cheerful gleam as he moved over as far as he could, motioning Max to move over as-well. Nikki didn't seem to fit on the seat, so she just sat on the floor in front of them, eating some sweets in between the seats of the bus. "Want some?" Nikki said with a mouth full of gummy  bears. "Yes please!" Preston called as he dug his hand into the bag and pulled out a bunch of gummy's, shoving them in his mouth. "Don't you want any Max?" Nikki asked. Shoving more and more candies in her mouth.
'Don't you want any max?'
' Fatass!'
'Don't you want any max?'
' God, look at him stuff his face!'
'Don't you want any max..?'
"Maaaax..?" Nikki said snapping her fingers. "Uh- huh?" Max jumped up noticing he had zoned out. Max rubbed his arms, "No. I don't really have a sweet tooth." Max shrugged. "Wait, waitwaitwaitwait WAIT. You don't like, CANDY?!" Preston looked surprised and offended. "Well. I ain't really allowed to have any. So, I just grown to hate it like everything else." Max said looking down, it was silent for a bit. "I'm sorry." Max continued "I ruined the mood." Max shrugged once more. "No.. no you didn't." Preston patted Max on his back. "Well, what camps did you sign up for this year?" Max looked and smirked trying to change the subject "This year I decided to go to Exploration Camp! Adventure can wait for another time!" Nikki cheered. "I came for theatre camp again. It was all decent last year. Other then the 'Bonquisha incident' and the 'cupcake incident' and- well.. you see where I'm going." Preston sighed. "Hey! Don't forget about parents day!" Nikki and Max said almost at exactly the same time. Preston shuddered "euigh.. don't remind me.." he then chuckled. Max wouldn't admit it. But, he liked being at camp.Especially with Nikki and Neil, Preston and Harrison, even Nerris as gotten to be less of a idiot. It was nice. Some how the topic became to 'how the Lorax was a musical' Nikki spouting off reasons why it wasn't and Preston just coming back with everything he could. After what seemed like an hour of this. Preston won this little battle. "And that is why The Lorax IS in fact a musical!" Preston exclaimed. "I can't believe you went on a twenty minute rant on that!" Nerris chuckled from the seat in front. Nikki jumped up from the floor- "NERRIS! I CANT BELIEVE  IT! YOUR BACK! WHATCAMPDIDYOUSIGNUPFOR,ISITACOOLCAMP?HOWAREYOU?!" Nikki yelled at Nerris with all the force she could, Nerris just chuckled. "Wow. I never thought I would see adventure kid with makeup on!" Nerris flicked Nikki's forehead as she laughed "I know right! She looks good though!Right Max?" Preston said looking at Max. "I hate to admit it. But it ain't half bad." Max said with a mischievous smirk on his face. The gang then started to chat about home life, max changing the subject. It was all going to be good. Everything was going to be okay, and camp Campbell was going to be..  awesome. The bus pulled into the camp and everyone was already waiting for them.
//it's a bit longer, eh?? I don't really like the ending tho.

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