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Pain is strange. So is everything really but pain expecially.
physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.
Discomfort. That's a laugh. Discomfort is something you feel when you skin your knee or go on a spiny ride. A slight discomfort. Pain isn't that. Pain is shocks through your body. It's is feeling like you are burning and freezing all at once, it is what makes you sob, no, it makes you scream. It is why we hold our knees to our chests and rock back and forth to try to calm down. It is why we hug people and tell them we love them. It is why we are scared to die. That's pain. And sometimes you get addicted. You have to much and it becomes a drug. And then your drowning in an ocean of pain and you don't even hurt anymore. You just want to die. And the one, small thread that stops you from drowning, sometimes it snaps. You can always tell when it does. The life goes out of people like a flame from a candle. And they just stop. They don't do anything they don't  even try. Because why try if your already failing? I thought my cord had snapped. I thought all the light was gone from my amber eyes. But then a hand reached through the blur and static of pain. Into my ocean. And that hand brought me up. It gave me air. It gave me hope. And it made me think that maybe I'm not just a mistake.

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