♥ First

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『third person's point of view』

"Everybody's laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading about this other girl."

"A, have you heard~?" the mentioned girl turned around and saw one of her close friends, her only male friend, who was holding an ice cream cone in one hand while waving at her with the other. 

She raised an eyebrow at her friend, who suddenly asked her a random question that could be talking about anything. She continued walking while her friend trailed behind her.

"Are you talking about the sudden break we'll have for Autumn next week?"

"Everybody knows that!"

"Are you talking about the assignments given?"

"Don't remind me!"

"Are you talking about our test in English tomorrow?"

"No- wait, we have a test in English tomorrow?! I didn't know that!"

"How could you if you were daydreaming?"

"Hey, A-! I wanted to talk about this girl getting close to your precious Tsukasa."

"Eishi isn't mine. You're being silly."

"Whatever you say! By the way, I heard her name is Kobayashi Rindou!"

"I know. Kobayashi-san is a gorgeous girl with cat-like features, and she's also good at cooking, somewhere around Eishi's level."

"So you have heard of her!"

"Eishi has mentioned her before."

"Oho~? Are you perhaps feeling a little jealous?"

"Why would I?"

"Come on, be honest with yourself, A!"

The girl he called "A" didn't say anything back, making her male friend pout. That didn't stop her friend from talking, but thankfully he's talking about other things, such as their 'difficult' English test tomorrow and the 'tiring' pile of assignments their professors instructed them to finish at home.

'I'm not being honest with you, but I know that what I feel is...' she shook her head, telling herself to dismiss such thoughts.

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