» Chapter 2

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---- [W -> D] ----

W: Why did Roy just call me and tell me you're in jail?


D: I have a blog where I post about the stupid things you and Roy do
W: Wait
D: Anyways, I got a thing, bye!
W: Wait a second!
W: Dick?


W: What would happen if an orange and a cheetah had a baby?
D: Go look in the mirror


D: Wally
D: Wally
D: Wally
D: You can't ignore me forever
D: Wally
D: WaLlY
D: WaLLy
D: I'm marrying Roy
W: Like hell you are
D: Gotcha
D: I told you that you couldn't ignore me forever


W: Press "Ctrl-H Type a single period in the "Find What" field and type another period in the "Replace With" field. Click "More" and open the "Format" drop-down menu in the Replace section at the bottom of the dialogue box. Place the typing cursor in the "Replace With" field to switch to the Replace section. Pick "Font" from the "Format" list. Choose the font size you want for your periods. To keep the periods from standing out too noticeably, move up only one size from your text. You can also type in a custom size, such as "13" for a smaller move up than jumping from 12-point type to 14-point periods. Click "OK" and press "Replace All" to make every period larger. Using Word's default font, Calibri, changing the periods from 12 points to 13 points adds about four lines per page.
D: ....
D: My bedroom windows unlocked


D: If you add 2 eggs and 1/2 a cup of oil any cake mix turns into cookie dough
W: This much power is dangerous


W: If a fork is made out of gold is it still silverware?
D: I hate you.

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

R: I'm sick
R: Of you
W: Ouch, your so mean to us
R: Suck it up
D: Technically, every living thing has germs in and on it, so, technically Roy is sick of this planet.
W: Damnit
R: I'm leaving

---- [W -> D] ----



W: I'm good at math
W: U + I=69
D: No, wait
D: U + I=145 as the atomic number for Uranium is 92 and the atomic number for I is 53
D: 'Cause we got chemistry
W: Damnit that was smooth
D: like my bedsheets


D: Text posts are like children
D: You delete the ones that don't succeed
W: What


W: Do you ever feel like there are bugs on you when there are none?
D: They're the ghosts of the bugs you've killed
W: I wish I could unread that


D: Accordion to the recent survey, replacing words with the name of musical instruments in a sentence often goes undetected
W: I am so angry


D: What's the currency in space?
W: Starbucks


D: So, you just, don't believe in drunk texting me your feelings anymore?
W: I guess I don't need to be drunk to tell someone how I feel
D: ...
W: ...
D: That was uncharacteristically mature of you
W: I know
W: It scared me too


D: What if rocks are actually soft and they just tense up when we touch them
W: You rock


W: Sleeping is great because it's like being dead but without the commitment
D: An open relationship with death
W: Death with benefits
D: A every night stand


D: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos
W: What if I die tomorrow before I eat my nachos?
D: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day
W: Get out


W: The teacher said "hit the lights" and a kid punched the light switch so hard it broke
D: Public school is great


D: Give me 3 reasons why I shouldn't turn into a slug right now
W: I can't think of any and it's pissing me off


W: Should I go back to school tomorrow or should I fling myself into the ocean?
D: ...
D: I'll meet you at the beach


D: If I was trapped in a room with explosives and the only way to escape was to eat a whole tomato I would die
W: How the hell would you even end up in that situation?!
D: You don't know Gotham like I do


W: What's your street name?
D: Red X
W: ...
D: OH, you meant my address


D: What if every spider I've killed thought it was living in my house with me the whole time and one day I just flew off the handle and murdered it
W: Why are you on Tumbler at 3am






W: Oh my gosh
W: I just realized
W: There called pancakes because they're like cakes
W: That you make
W: In a pan
D: Are you okay?


D: If you want to mess with people try drinking Windex from a Gatorade bottle
W: Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
D: No


D: What if we cry when cutting onions because at some point in history onions abused the human race and now we on instinct we cry in fear of their presence
W: I'm coming to give you a hug


W: One time when I was out with aunt Iris we went to a café and she ordered tea. When we walked away the waiter that served us said "tea you later" and his co-worker smacked him
D: Your life is amazing


W: Ice cubes float in their own blood
D: You'll float too
W: I hate you
W: So much


D: Are you flirting with me?
W: I have been for the last two years
W: But thank you for noticing


D: What of our phobias are based off how we died in a past life
W: (softly) oh shit


W: I want to go on a shopping trip where I am the only one shopping it's dark and everything is free
D: That's called a night-time robbery
W: So be it
D: I'm in


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