» Chapter 3

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---- [W -> D] ----

W: What did you do with my boobs?!
D: ...
D: I don't know how you want me to respond


D: She wears short skirts...
W: What?
D: I wear T-shirts...
W: ...
D: She's cheer captain...
W: Don't you dare
D: And I'm the dark lord satan
W: Why are you like this?!

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

W: Chemistry is more like cheMYSTERY because I have no idea what's going on
D: Calculus is more like calKILLus because part of my sanity dies with every equation
W: Biology is more like BYEology because I'm out
D: Math is more like no

---- [W -> D] ----

D: Take me to museums and make out with me
W: But they said not to touch the masterpieces
D: Dude


W: If in a year, I'm single and your single...
D: Wally, no
W: A month
D: No, Wally
W: A week
D: Sure


W: How much do we have to flirt to be listed as a couple?
D: I think we're safe for now
W: What a relief


W: Barry tried to pick up a banana to make it look like he was talking on the phone but all the bananas in the bunch came with it and he just looked at me and said "I guess it's a conference call"
D: A++ recovery
W: Don't encourage him


W: Switzerland accidentally invaded Liechtenstein
W: Liechtenstein was cool with it
D: Just because I am in Switzerland doesn't mean it's all you should text me about!


W: If it weren't illegal I would eat cereal for every meal of the day
D: It's 2am but I have some wonderful news for you


D: If I cut my foot off and swing it at you am I hitting you or kicking you
W: Neither, your mentally scaring me


W: Are you okay dude?!
W: ...
W: Is a book character having difficulties again?


D: Having seaweed brush up against you when your swimming is like having Satan slowly caress your legs and toes well smiling at you and whispering "mayonnaise"
W: I have never been this uncomfortable before


W: Snakes don't have arms?
W: They can't go bowling!
D: Damnit. There goes my snake bowling team. Screw this


D: My mind says college but my heart said isolated sheep herded in Iceland


D: So this lady in front of us just gasped loudly and said: "I forgot my dog!"
D: She forgot to bring her dog
D: To the vet
W: Why are you at the vet?
D: Don't sweat the details

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