» Chapter 13

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: Dude
D: Like
D: Dragons are mentioned in almost all cultures all across the world even before they had interaction with each other and your telling me they don't exist


D: Pay up
W: What?
D: You'd be dead without me, right? I guess that means you owe me
W: Okay


W: This is not good
D: How can you tell?
W: See how they're slowly surrounding us? And they all have guns and knives? And I think that one guy has a machete?


D: Jason just yelled "I SWEAR ILL CUT OFF YOUR DICK IF YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY BREAD" and I came into the kitchen like 'what the fuck' and Jason was holding a shoe and my cat was sitting by a loaf of bread with his paw almost touching it and both of them didn't even break eye contact
D: I'm so done


W: Dude we are not asking the dragon for directions


D: You gotta stop doing that
W: What?
D: Saying things that make me want to kiss you


W: Quick! Catch that cat! It stole my wallet!
D: On it

D: What are you doing?
W: ...Eating
D: We're being held hostage and you decided to raid the kitchen?
W: Says the guy currently watching their television


W: I can't believe I'm sitting in a space jail with you of all people
D: You're surprised?


D: Sure it is. Look it up
W: Dude, you don't look up the shit you know.


W: Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2am?
W: I mean, I'm on it, but why?


D: Sometimes I don't feel like getting out of bed
D: Then I remember I have people to piss off and prove wrong today


D: Who wouldn't be angry if you ate all my cereal?!


W: I feel like I got hit by a car
D: You did
D It was my car


D: I may have accidentally adopted four cats
W: What kind of cats?
D: Tigers


W: So, why did I have to punch that guy?
D: He hit on Megan 
W: ...
W: I'm going to go punch him again


D: I'm like, 83% sure this won't explode


W: So what if I broke my arm? I'm doing it anyways

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