» Chapter 29

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: You know, I love how sometimes Dan Howell is like
D: "It's so important to know you should be happy and proud of who you are."
D: And then other times it's just
D: "Holy mother of rectangles."


D: Things that rhyme with crying:
D: Dying
D: Lying
D: Trying
D: My Chemical Romance
D: Spying
D: Buying


W: What if the washer is the one losing our socks, and we've been blaming the dryer all these years


D: I literally cannot even, I can't even, I am unable to even, I have lost my ability to even, I am so unable to even


W: When you clean out a vacuum cleaner, you become the vacuum cleaner


D: "See you in hell Dick" written in blood on my wall?
D: The most frightening thing about that is the missing comma


W: YoU mAkE oNe MiStAke


D: I'm holding you back from achieving things in your life by forcing you to sit here and watch this


W: The city is literally on fire, where are you?
D: Making smores


D: How would you kill me if you could?
W: I don't know. Push you down a Grand Staircase?
D: No, seriously.
W: Fine then, how would you kill me?
D: I'd paralyze you with saxitoxin and suffocate you in your sleep, chop you into the smallest bits I could manage, boil you down, put you in a blender, then take you to the kitchen in a flask and pour you into some of Alfred's soup.


W: You got the chips?
D: No, but I got Cheese-Wiz




D: *X-Files theme plays*


D: Ah gravity, thou art a heartless bitch


R: So, it's a show?
W: It's a religion
D: It's a lifestyle


D: Saying wake up, you need to make mEMES




D: Jason keeps looking at Tim when he's not looking, and Tim keeps looking at Jason when he's not looking, and I can't tell if they're planning to confess to or kill the other


W: I hate you!
D: I hate me more!


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