Chapter One

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"Mom I'm twenty ill be fine....besides ill be with Alec and Magnus" She pulled her mother in for one last hug before she was portaled to out of Idris and to New York City. Her mother lightly pushes her away.
"Amber that's exactly what I'm concerned about." Amber folds her arms across her chest.
"Your kidding right? Youve know Alec since he was a baby, and Magnus is the most powerful warlock in New York. Besides I can take care of myself. " she swings her bag over her shoulder. "What do you think ill emd up doing? Jumping off the empire state building or somethimg?" There's a glisten in her eye as she says is.
"Dont even think about it Amber."
A wide smile spreads across her face. "Okay I promise to not jump off the empire state building. As for bulidings in genreal I make no promises." She gives her mom one last kiss on the cheek. "Good bye I love you."
"I love you too." She whipsers before watching Amber step into the portal.
"Hope!" Her father screams. "Stop acting so irantonally! Get dressed and get your ass to school!" Tears run down her face. Fast and hard the same way they do every morning. What part didn't her father understand? What part didn't her teachers or classmates understand? She didn't belong there or any where. She was the wired girl. Who's hair was naturally a blue to purple color. So it had to be dyed on the weekly. To get it to a so called normal brown color. She saw things, heard things no one else did. She could do things no one else did.
"I'm not going!" She shouts. Running to her room, the door slamming behind her. She grabs her back pack dumps her books out and starts to throw clothes, her wallet, ipod. Soke books and her head phones. When she goes to her father stands there.
"Hope put the bag down." She shakes her head no. "Hope I said put the bag down." She shakes her head no again. Quickly shoving him aside.
"Get out of my way. Youve seen what I can do. What I did to Rebbeca." Her hair slowly starts to show threw the boring basic brown color she'd dyed it.
He steps aside. She runs down the stairs and out the front yard with her father close behind. "I'm done, don't come looking for me." She flicks her fingers quickly before walking away. Down the old dirt road. Sending her old life up in flames.

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