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All you do is leave me fucking lonely

Setting: Odell's Penthouse, New York City, New York

Demi could not remember the last time she had a one night stand

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Demi could not remember the last time she had a one night stand. It was kind of how her relationship with Trey started out but clearly, they had made a lot of progress since then. Progress that had gone to shit, but that was beside the point. There she sat with Odell's gray sheets hugged to her chest debating if she should wiggle out of his strong grip and shamefully attempt to find something to wear so that she could call Max and sneak back to her hotel, or if she should savor the feel of waking up in someone's arms for the first time in a while. She wanted to snuggle and pretend that this was her new reality and that Odell really could take Trey's place, but they both knew that that would never happen. So, she had to sneak away. She was comfortable, but she had to leave before she got too comfortable.

Oddly enough, before she could get up, Odell released something between a groan and a snore as he stretched himself out. Then he grabbed his phone, ran his fingers through the mess on top of his head, and then stood up and walked into the bathroom without a word. At least he made it easier for her.

A few minutes later, while Demi was buttoning up Odell's Tom Ford linen shirt from last night, he came out of the bathroom in a pair of boxers with his face freshly washed and his teeth brushed. Demi didn't say anything as she searched for an acceptable pair of bottoms. Although, she did have a pair of killer black heels that she could totally make work with this shirt. But still. She wanted to be comfortable and walking out in a men's shirt with Louboutins probably wasn't the way to go.

"Demi, I have sweatpants and a tee shirt that you can borrow. You're gonna look ridiculous walking out like that," Odell chuckled as he looked through his duffle bag.

"Oh...thanks," Demi responded as he tossed her the clothes that he had just mentioned.

"Although, you do look extremely sexy in my shirt," he said, popping one of the buttons open for her before stealing a kiss and walking away. Demi felt her cheeks flush as she exchanged his dress shirt for the cotton tee shirt and the sweatpants. She had to roll the band over at least three times to get them to stay on her hips but they would have to do.

"Where are you going? Maybe we can catch breakfast or brunch once I get back to my hotel and get dressed?" Demi suggested as she slipped her feet into the complimentary hotel slippers. They were a little too big but all she had to do was get down to the parking garage where Max was going to pick her up and she would be fine.

"Actually, I already have plans. Trey rented out a boat so we're all going to hang out," Odell said as Demi furrowed her eyebrows.

"A boat? In the middle of February?"

"It's in Miami. We're taking the jet down there," Odell stated as he slipped a pair of jeans on.

Demi tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she played with the ends of his shirt. She honestly didn't know what she was expecting. For him to spend the day with her? For him to cut contact with Trey since they had officially fucked last night? To not treat this like the one night stand that it actually was?

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