Donny gits redy 4 halowen

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The room where our favorite couple slept was very cold at four in the morning. Donny had stolen all of the blankets, leaving Jorel a shivering mess. He attempted to cuddle into the singer several times for warmth, but was always met by inappropriate gas and sleep-moaning. He released a deep sigh, preparing himself for another attempt at receiving warmth. As Jorel was lowering his head, Donny quickly raised his—colliding the two of them instantly.

"Ouch..." J hissed lowly, but Donny ignored him and stared at the clock with wide eyes. He let out a grunt and extended a finger towards it, directing his lover's attention to its ticking hands. "W-What is it, Donny?" he hesitantly inquired. Donny smiled and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him slightly to emphasize the excitement he felt.

"its 4 am!!!1! we gota go get a halowen costoom : )"

Jorel stared in confusion, his eyebrows furrowing at the man's announcement. "Why are we getting costumes at four in the—"

"no tiem! Cum on!!!!" he shouted as he became more anxious. He had several ideas envisioned in his head for what they could possibly be. His hands latched onto J's elbow, tugging him out of what warmth he had previously acquired. He shrugged and wiped the sleep from his dreary eyes. Even though the early morning trips were sometimes slightly obnoxious, he knew that Donny meant well.

He trudged over to the shared closet and sifted through the few articles of clothing he owned. One shirt stood out to him from the rest, and he slipped it on without hesitation. The text on the shirt read, "All you need is two D's to change 'Danny' to 'Daddy' ". It was the perfect choice.

Briskly sliding his shoes on, he pattered to the kitchen. He looked up to see Donny wearing a "Kiss the chef because he has crippling depression" apron. He was struggling to flip the pancake he was attempting to make, growling lowly at its inability to come off of the pan.

A small smile tugged on the corners of Jorel's mouth as he watched the man struggle. He crept over to where Donny stood and snaked his arms around the man, placing his hands lightly on top of his partner's hands. Donny blushed at the sudden contact and threw his gaze downward. Unfortunately, his gaze was not the only thing thrown as his pancake was thrown to the ceiling.

Jorel backed away from him and looked up in shock at the flying breakfast food. It hit the ceiling with a thud and soon came tumbling back to the ground. "i got exited..." Donny sighed and pinched the skin above his nose. Jorel chuckled and reached for Donny's hand, lacing their fingers immediately.

"Let's go get those costumes." He stated and they began their journey to the store. Jorel pushed his keys into the ignition of their car, expecting Donny to throw himself into the passenger seat but instead saw the man place his fingers between his lips and blow, creating a shrill whistle. Following this action, they were met with silence until an army of speedy snails began slithering towards them.

"Oh shit, Donny! Get in the car!" Jorel yelled in fear at the sight, only to be shushed by another sight of Donny doing front-rolls around the car. The snails stopped moving and stood directly in front of Jorel's car. "Greetings!" the snail in the front declared loudly. "I am Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez! I have come to you upon request."

Donny yelled out something about a turkey and stood up, gazing upwards at the large being. "yo can u taek me & mi boo bare 2 da sex shop—"

"—Halloween store." Jorel corrected. Donny awkwardly cleared his throat and continued with, "yah. da halowen costoom stor pls."

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