Mistletoe Doesn't Always Mean Kissing Part 1

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When The Doctor showed up for Melody's fifth birthday was the day he took us on an adventure.

I had held a small party a few days earlier, inviting Melody's friends, Amy and Rory over for cake and tea and games. When I told The Doctor he laughed and said that they would grow up to be her parents. He also said that he crashed into Amy's garden when she was 7 so when she finally reached that age and future him crashed into her garden shed, I should make Melody swear not to reveal she knew him.

Life was painfully dull for me. Melody lived like a child should, having sleep overs and going to school and running around in the park when she was hyped up on ice cream. For me, me who was used to battles and simpler times when random strangers tried to attack you and every day having to try survive, this life of luxury and technology was simple and dull in comparison. I spent my time cooking and practising my gymnastics so my abilities wouldn't grow rusty and watching movies and TV shows. It was amazing how far behind you were when you were suddenly dropped into the future. Every Time The Doctor visited I hoped he would take me and Melody away on an adventure and every time he came and told us stories about the things he encountered and smiled in ways that made my heart dance, he would take us on adventures around Leadworth, looking for real pirate treasure or finding hidden caves full of drawings from bored cave men or settlers. But he never took us on an adventure through time and space, probably because Melody was so small and for that I respected him and he held an even higher regard in my mind.

Then when Melody turned five he turned up at four in the morning. I heard the wheezing of the T.A.R.D.I.S and the slam of a door and then as I was dragging myself up and awake and pulling my clothes on, Melody ran into my room.

"Rose, Rose," The doctor is here. He's here and he says he has a birthday surprise for me." She sounded so awake and full of energy for someone who was asleep moments ago. Ugh, to be that young and full of sugar.

"Really? Well, we better go and see what it is," I smiled then yawned as I was pulled downstairs by the five-year-year and into the kitchen where The Doctor sat looking awake and put together. It was probably midday for him. That bastard.

The Doctor looked up at me as I was pulled into the room and grinned. It was hard to be so mad at a person who was looking so sweet, but I managed.

"You do know it's four in the morning right?" I muttered grumpily. "It might be the middle of the day for you but some of us have a different sleep schedule."

"No it's four in the morning for me too," He replied happily his smile growing bigger and making it harder to seem mad, "But I require less sleep than you humans." And I had no trouble being mad at him again.

"Well mister 'I sleep less,' I need another few hours," I growled out and went to turn back to go to bed. I was stopped by Melody pulling on my sleeve. She was doing doe eyes and a wobbling bottom lip, the same expression she used when she wanted something packed with sugar or to go around to Amy's.

"But Rose, you're already dressed and it's my birthday. Please," She talked in a hurt tone and made her bottom lip wobble even more.

"Well..." I breathed, I knew I had lost but I wasn't going down without a fight. When she climbed onto The Doctor's lap and increased the puppy eyes I repented. "Fine," I groaned. "Where are we going?"

"Since it's Melody's birthday," The Doctor explained, " I thought we could go and get her a birthday present on Baldur IX." He was buzzing with excitement and his eyes shone with anticipation.

"Baldur IX?" I echoed, he had never mentioned it when he told about his adventures when we stayed up past midnight and sometimes into the sunrise talking in dark rooms and empty homes.

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