Mistletoe Doesn't Always Mean kisses end

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Baldur didn't seem as if he was a leader. He stood, dirty and grimy and almost sullen just out of the shadows. He seemed more like a pile of scrap metal than a leader of a Cyberman army if it weren't for the eyes. If you had given me a picture of Baldur and of the Cyberman standing behind him and asked me who the leader was I would have picked the Cyberman with the gold wiring in a second. But that might be what made Baldur so effective as a leader. Nobody expected it would be him.

"Hello..." Baldur droned, he sounded like nails on a chalkboard or a cat wailing. He stopped after one word and did what seemed like a wheeze. "I see that you have found my dear friend," He paused and looked at Mistletoe, his coal red eyes boring into the friendly Cyberman. "You wished to be called Mistletoe, am I right?" He tilted his head a little and even with the synthesized voice, I could tell he knew exactly what Mistletoe's name was. He was the type of villain that loved their own voice to the point of a monologue. I almost smiled. Almost, the thought of Melody in danger and the fact that if we didn't sort this out she would never have the chance to grow up stopped my smile. Still, if Baldur monologue then we would be able to find a way to beat him, he was nothing special. Just another mad man in a robot suit.

"And these are your friends?" He continued his tone questioning, "Well, it's not the resistance I was expecting, nothing can stop me," And there it was. Honestly, whenever a villain says that you just know they were in for a bad time. Has he ever seen a Bond movie or any superhero flick?

He walked over to us and eyed us up. His footsteps, even though there were few in his walking over to us, sounded like thunder, the metal on metal sound defining. His eyes only lingering on me for a second before sweeping over The Doctor with interest and regarding Jimmy with what seemed to be mild respect.

"The Doctor," He said, returning his gaze back to the man I once knew as John Smith. "And company." He added on, glancing at me for a fraction of a second, "I have heard much about you, both during my time here," And he spread his arms to motion at the station, his joints creaked as they moved and stretched and a whine was heard from the elbow joint that clearly hadn't been maintained, "And when I was still on the Cybership."

"Well, glad to know the Cybermen are still throwing my name around."The Doctor replied, "Oh, are they still talking about the time with the Moonbase? That was what 2070? And what about the time in 1851? With Jackson Lake and the info stamps? Thought he was a future version of me for a bit. Lovely man though. Math teacher and doing rather well for human thinking he was a time lord." The Doctor rambled. He stopped when Baldur moved from him onto Jimmy who was standing stiff and tall with fear.

"And Jimmy, right?" Baldur intoned, "Who lost his precious wife and son when I took over. Yes." He said to the surprised look on Jimmy's face, "I know about you."

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MARY?" Jimmy yelled, he surged forward till he was almost touching Baldur, "WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SAM?"

"I know rather a lot," Baldur said peacefully, not regarding the enraged action Jimmy had just done. "As you have suspected, I have taken the child and made him one of my own, my own little cyborg along with the rest of his little friends. And Mary." He shuddered and bent down as if he was shook by laughter. "Mary, Mary, quite contrary."

The Doctor reached forward and held Jimmy back before he dived for Baldur. The man, however, hyped on adrenaline was never going to be a match for a Cyberman, mad and broken or not.

Baldur started up suddenly and shifted his head a little till the Cyberman that had been standing behind him was just in his field of view. "Unit 01101101 step forward."

The Cyberman that had the gold wiring creeping up against him like ivy stepped forward. "I am unit 01101101, designation - caretaker of the children." He said in a flat voice.

"And," Said Baldur smugly. "Who were you before you were upgraded?" He looked back to Jimmy.

"I was the human female known as Mary Mills." Unit 01101101 said in the same flat tone not even moving. I felt dread pool in my gut and a heat flood my mind. I looked over at Jimmy and saw he was barely standing, he was clinging to The Doctor but his grip failed and he sunk to the floor and let out a wail. Even in the gloom, I could see fat, heavy tears roll off his face and saw the splatter of the salty water on the floor.

"No, No, NO," He spluttered out, his breathing shaky and uneven.

The Doctor looked down at the broken man and quickly squatted down next to him and started rubbing his back. I stepped closer, still defensive and on edge. Baldur and Unit 01101101 had made no move to harm us just yet but I was wary. Mistletoe looked to Baldur.

"Baldur please, why would you do this? What do you need so badly that you must destroy so much to gain?" He pleaded. "Why do you hold onto the hate when there are so many other feelings you can experience?"

"What I wish to gain" Baldur repeated, "I wish for everyone else to feel the way I felt. To feel trapped and alone and left out as I did for years in the pipes." he was almost yelling if Cybermen could raise their voices.

"Happiness can be found in the darkest of time, if one only remembers to turn on the light," The Doctor quoted as he stood up, pulling Jimmy up with him. "And so, Baldur, I shall turn on the light for you and all the other Cybermen on this space station." And he whirled around and pointed his sonic screwdriver at the control panel. It went up in sparks and the moment it did, I heard Unit 01101101 fall to the ground and the sound of hundreds of other Cybermen fall to the floor of the space station. And as Baldur stood there, unaffected. The sharp yells of the children pierced the air.

I looked to The Doctor expectantly.

"Go, help Mels with the children." He nodded toward the area where the screams were coming from. "We can deal with him." And he jerked his head toward Baldur.

"Very well Doctor," I said and smiled at him. I took a step toward where I knew I would find Mels and the rest of the children and then turned back to The Doctor. He was looking away from me at Baldur who was being restrained by Mistletoe and Jimmy. I snuck over and planted a kiss on his cheek. He wheeled around but I had already turned away and was making my way over to where Mels and the rest were.

I never knew he was watching me go.

And that's all folks. If you want a squeal of some sort, message me or comment and feel free to give me ideas about what adventures that could happen. :) 

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