Chapter 6

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Normani POV

"Nothing". I don't believe that not one bit. She is way to happy to just be coming from school. I follow her into our room. I pretend to be folding clothes when I see her pull out a diary. "perfect". She turns around and give me this weird look. "umm did say that out loud ". She shakes her head like I'm crazy. "Well I'm just going to go finish the food". She was still looking at me crazy then she went back to her dairy.

I finished cooking and went to call everyone. I walked into me and y/n room but y/n was not there, but here dairy was there. I hurried to the bed and opened it there were pages and pages of writing. It dated back to freshmen year in high school. I remember this now. She would write in it when she thought no one was looking. I stole it from her one day and read the story she was righting she would always try to get it back but she was smaller back then. Always was cute, and she wore glasses. Now she is 19 and hate me. Zoom past the old years of the dairy almost to the end when I find what I'm looking for.

Lauren invited me to the library bla bla bla. She cried bla bla bla WE KISSED. They kissed my heart sinks down and I can feel my eyes get teary eyed. I have to know what happens next even if it hurts to know I just I need to know. She walked me to the door and I asked her to be my girlfriend. I felt the tears fall down my face but that's not all that was in there. I'm on cloud nine I just wish that Normani would leave me alone. I stayed there just looking at that page over and over until my tears started to stain the paper.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU FUCKING DOING"? I quickly wipe my tears and stand up. She runs to get her dairy. She pushed me to the ground and stomps out of the room. "I m sorry". I'm just her problem.

That night I slept in Dinah's room since she is out. I cried myself to sleep that night and stayed in bed all day the next. Dinah came to check up on me a few times but other then that I did not talk to anyone. Once in a while I would hear y/n and Dinah arguing other what to do about me.

It was 3 in the morning I was still up because every time I close my yes I would be able to her face and that's the last thing I want to see. I got out of bed to get something to eat in the kitchen.


I was typing my globalization paper when a light came on in the kitchen. I peeked out my head to see what was going on and there was Normani. She has not left Dinah's room all day. I could hear her talk to her self and crying all day while Dinah yield at me. I may have been to hard on her. I just was mad and frustrated. She just pops back up in my life and she is forcing herself to be in my life. I removed her for a reason but I know my reason is not good enough to be mean to her. I walked behind her and I tapped her shoulder. She jumped and dropped the food she had in her hand. "Umm I'm sorry ". She dropped to the floor to try and pick up the food. I help her clean up. She is keeping her head down, avoiding eye contact. "Hey I'm sorry I should not have snuck up on you". No response still, her being like this she is so venerable. "and about yesterday I was out of line". She said something but it was to quite to hear what did you say. "its ok". I cant help feel bad. she is acting how I acted when she-.

She was about to lock herself in the room when I grabbed her hand . She stopped looking at the ground. "You really did love me and reading that-that really hurt you didn't". She looked up at me and nodded her head. She looked back down but I picked up her chin and I thought this would not happen . I looked in her eyes and went in for a kiss. It was different I cant explain it but the way her lips moved with mine. they fit together like a puzzle. Only letting go for air. "that felt-" "right"


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