Chapter 1

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Heart Break

This time this time I'm going to do it I'm going up to Normani and tell her how I feel.

I was on my way to my share class with Normani we have chemistry together. I had this crush on Normani since as long as I can remember but she never caught on.

Normani and I don't talk outside class she barely Knows My Name like everyone else in the school I'm a complete nobody. When I'm around her it feels like there is no one there like it's just me and her. As I await Normani arrival I pull out my journal that my mom gave me.

My mom told me that it was great to have all your thoughts down on paper to remember every detail of every day. Of course I thought it was dumb but I gave it a try.

I was writing a new story in my journal when it was snatched out from under me. "Oh y/n I did not know you were a writer". I looked up and saw normani with my journal.

I jumped out of my seat to get my journal back but Normani is taller than me. "Hey come on you know im shorter than you".

She holds the book above her head still trying to keep it away from me. I was so concentrated on the book that I did not notice that there was little to no space between me and Normani. I tripped over the bag that was right by my desk and ended up on top of Normani I looked down at her only centimeters away from her lips all I could do was stare at her eyes I was mesmerised.

"Hey y/n are you going to get up or are we going to stay like this for the whole class because they think people are staring ".

My face immediately turned red as she spoke I hurry it up and got off of her and took my journal back. We continue the class as usual but I couldn't pay attention all I could think about was what happened before class.

"Y/n,Y/n do you know the answer to the question"?

Normani tapped my shoulder rapidly trying to get my attention. "What's happening". I looked up at Normani and wondered what she was talking about.

"The teacher just asked you a question, stop being weird and answer the question". My head snapped to the front of the class. "Um I don't know the answer". The whole classes started to laugh. "Well maybe you will know the answer when you and miss Hamilton are in detention.

So that's chapter one guys. Im so excited for this book. A fresh new story and plots lets go.


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