Chapter 5

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y/n POV

"Normani". Why dose this always happen to me. I look around the room for a quick exit but I guess Dinah caught on because she gave me this look that made my body shiver. I sit back down and lower my head. In an attempt to get me to talk Dinah opened her big mouth. "So you too know each other". What type of question was that clearly we do. I looked up at Dinah trying to avoid Normani's gaze. "She, we, you see what happened was-". I was interrupted by Normani's voice. "We went to high school together. The room soon went silent and filled with so much awkwardness you could cut it with a knife.

"Well I should probably get ready for class". I run out of the room as fast as I can. locking myself in my room. Its not even my room anymore its our room now. I look around the room she has already put up so much of her stuff. I walk over to her side of the room and look at all her stuff. She had pictures of her family and of her as a child. She looks so innocent and nice. How am I suppose to live with her. Go through all that pain again. I cant, I wont even if I have to move out. She is not going to get back into my heart.

I didn't notice but the door slowly opened Normani walked in with a plate of food and sat down right next to me. "I brought you food because you did not eat". Her voice still so soft. She placed the food o the table and held my hand. "I did not mean to just force myself back in your life y/n". I looked up from the picture and then looked at her. I had tears in my eyes threating to fall down my face. "I'm just your problem I know that ". She let go of my hand, that warm feeling I got from her hand is gone. I shouldn't even be sitting here with her on her bed. I shouldn't want to forgive her but I do. "I'm sorry that its this way I don't know what else to say I did not mean to-". She paused as my hands reached her face . As I'm wiping the tears from her face she sits there not knowing what to say.

"Normani I don't know if or when I will forgive you for what you did but for now just stop saying sorry". I get up and leave the room but not before I kiss her forehead."Oh and mani don't be late for class". After class I went to go see Lauren. She told me she was studying for the mid-terms but when I got there I saw her in her own world. She looked like she was really into the book laughing every once in a while. Giving her own comments about it few times. Doing all this with out even looking up. I would hate to bother especially because she looked so cute. I sit down in front of her and just went on my laptop. As I was working I saw her eyes look at me. She smiled and we did not talk to each other for hours. Sitting there just enjoying each others company was good enough for me .

After a few hours I finished my work and Lauren finished her book. Looking around I see that there is barely anyone here before I started to work this place was crowed. I looked back at Lauren then i looked back at luaren she was gone. Where did that kid go. "Lauren where are you". No answer. oh come on is she really about to do this. I sigh and go look for her."Lauren come on". I can here her gigiling in the back of the libary. "Lauren you cant hide forever". It went silent and you can here shuffeling through out the libary. then you here her laugh the next thing she said was so childish. "Bet i can".

Ok you want to play hard ball. I move to the front of the libary and open the door."Im leaving Lauren im hungry". I thank the libaryiane and then leave out the building. I hide outside the libary behide the staua in the front. It takes her about 5 minutes before she texts me.

Wife: you did not really leave did you?

Me: I cant text and drive right now.

Then she ran out of the library looking down at her phone. She looked so angry, you can see her vain put out of her head from her. "y/n I swear if you-". She then put the phone on her ear and mumbled pick up. My phone started to play my favorite song. Lauren had a confused look on her face and stated to look around. I was trying to hold my laugher in the best I could. I put the phone to my ear and said hello. That's when Lauren started to walk around. "You bitch you left me some date".

Is it me or did I not know this was a date. Thought that this was the perfect time to ravel myself. With a smirk on my face I go behind her ."So when were you going to tell me that this was a date". When she turned around I did not get the reaction I thought I was going to get. She had tears in her eyes, her checks red. "Why did you leave me you cant do that". In that moment I swear my heart dropped into my stomach. "I-I didn't know". I looked at her and hugged her. "I'm so sorry Lauren please forgive me I did not know I thought we were still playing".

She gave in and have me a hug back to. "How about I take you for ice cream and take you on a real date". She shakes her head, then wrapped her arms around me. Planting a sweet and simple kiss on my lips.

As the day was coming to a end so was our date. We where at my door and holding each other. "I had a great time with you today". I feel the same way she dose this was one of the best dates ever and she took my mind off of all my problems. I looked into her beautiful eyes the way they sparkle when she was happy. I hold her closer and plant a sweet kiss on her lips .

Then Lauren goes in for a even deeper kiss. It was filled with passion and lust , lasting forever in my head slowly slipping away from the world each second. She lets go and I wanted more but she stops me with one finger and a smile on her face. "So dose this mean we are official". She looks down to the ground trying to hide her blush. She mumbles under her breath and then the best words I heard was "Yes". I could not believe it so I asked her again. My smile grow as she the words came out of her mouth again. We kiss one more time then said goodbye.

As I'm walking in I saw Normani on in the kitchen cooking. "Hey why are you so happy". Even she could not get me down from cloud nine. I simply say every thing and leave the room. I sat in my room and simply smiled and lay my head down reflecting the best day ever

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