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-This chapter has been edited-

Keith opened the door to his dorm and tosses his bag off to the side.

"Piiiiiidge." He whines plopping down on the couch next to her "how do I get someone to be my friend?" Pidge pauses her game and gives him a baffled look.

"You come in here, interrupt my game and then proceed to ask for advice." He shrugs

"No offense pidge, but I would never come to you for people advice" he laughs, earning a glare from Pidge.

"See now that's just rude." Keith laughs at that. "What did you even ask for then you creep." Keith coughs nervously. They're silent for a moment.

"You know how I basically body slammed some kid on our first day on campus?" She raises an eyebrow at him but nods. "Well...he's in my art history class with the cherry on top being that we're seated next to each other.." Pidge winces, embarrassed for him.

"You have the worst luck kid." She pats his shoulder sympathetically. He shrugs.

"You'd think so, but-" he turns to her, an animated smile on his face "He challenged me!" Pidge gives him a confused look.

"He... challenged you?" She squirts at him-baffled "how does that make anything better??"

"He challenged me to earn his friendship, that's what makes it better!" He says excitedly, "I will raise from my acquaintance status to friendship!" Pidge stares at him in shock.

"You know what, I wouldn't even want to help you with this if you asked." She gets up from the small couch and sits on her bed. "Have fun with you quest dickweed, I'm not dealing with your crazy today."


The moment Lance closed the door to his dorm room behind him he collapsed in a fit of laughter, sliding down the door and wiping the tears from his eyes, he sucked in a deep breath.

"My god his face," He wheezed, he sits there for a few more minutes, laughter shaking his body.
Once he'd calmed down enough he signs and looks at the time on his phone, he had another two hours before his next class.

"I should call's been a few days." He muses to himself, still slightly out for breath. He pulls out his phone and turns it on, seeing he already had three missed calls from her.
He sighs and clicks on the number, he puts the phone to his ear as he waits for his sister to pick up. He stands and flops back onto his bed, leaning his back against the wall as he waits.

"Lance you pequeña mierda!" The feminine voice screeched, Lance winced and moved the phone away from his ear slightly.

"Yeah hello to you too." He says back sarcastically, the voiced scoffed back.

"Oh don't you give me sass young man! I have been calling you for days!" Lance rolls his eyes at that.

"Sorry, I've been a bit busy, but at least i actually called so you'd know I wasn't dead." He snips back, with no real heat to his words.

"And I appreciate that, but I thought we had a deal. You have to call once everyday of no talking with Sofia." She reminds him harshly.

"I know, I know. But I really have been busy.." he whines "I just got here and everything has just been-"

"Crazy?" Lance nods despite knowing she can't see him.

"Yeah, it has...they didn't even give me a roommate, can you believe that??" He hisses in irritation, Jasmine gasps from across the line.


"Yeah they totally did! Because of my 'Condition'" he sneered at the thought.

"Well... the bright side is that you don't have to worry about any nosy roommates." She says, trying to comfort her brother.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that..." He trailed off. "Sooo, how's Jamie doing?" Jasmine laughs.

"Hes doing good, still upset that you haven't visited us, but why do you ask?" She says suspiciously.

"Can I talk to Sofia?"

"Ah so that's how it is, well alright. But only if you call daily from now on." She says sternly

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know and I will." He replies, impatiently "I have class in half an hour sis." He hears her sigh and muddle with the phone for a few seconds,

"Tio Lance!." He smiled at the little girls voice.

"Hola, Mi Estrellita." He coos "what have you been up to?" Sofia giggles at the nickname.

"Well I've started my ice-skating class, and do far I've only fallen over like 5 times!" Lance chuckles

"Wow Sofia that's really good!" He lays back on the bed, a grin on his face "I definitely would've fallen at least 15 times!" Sofia gasps

"Really?? Does that mean I'm even better then you?!"

"Oh yeah, I'd say you're a prodegy" she Huff's

"You're just saying that because you're my tio.." Lance frowned.

"Oh no, Sofia I'm not just saying it back I'm your tio, well- that's half of it" he admitted with a laugh "the other half is because I truly believe that you are special." He said softly,

"Hmm I guess that's an ok reason.." she mumbles. Lance laughs softly

"Yes, now don't you listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. And do not, let anyone tell you who to be." His voice shook slightly, they talk for a few more minutes, about sofias school and how shes been.

"Now, put your Mami back on the phone so I can say goodbye to her alright?" lance says after having checked the time.

"Okay...Bye tio." He says goodbye and remains silent as he hears her handing the phone back over to her mom.

"It's been 15 minutes, you should probably get ready for your next class kid." Jasmine says coolly

"You do realize that you're only 2 years older then me right? But you are right." He hears her snort in amusement.

"Of course I'm right." She quipped back

"Just wanted to let you know before I sign off, that uh...I think I'm going to like it here" he says softly, smiling to himself.

"I'm glad to hear that Lance, it's good to know that after all you've been through... you're coming out stronger." He could hear the smile in her voice

"Thanks Jaz, well I gotta go, love ya sis." And with that he hung up, tossing the phone off to the end of his bed.

"Better get to class," he mumbles to himself

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