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Lance closed the door to his room, his heart felt like to was going to explode out of his chest as he thought of the events that had transpired a mere 10 minutes ago. he breathed out a sigh that turned into more of a sob, he was doing everything in his power to keep himself together, but he could stop himself from breaking down.
He hadn't realized when he had ended up on the floor, but he was now curled up against the  door of his dorm, knees to his chest and the palms of his hands digging into his eyes to stop the rush of tears that were threatening to spill.

"God I'm a mess." The sobbed words fell flat, and hung empty in the musty air of his lonely, lonely dorm. but since as there was no one there with him to hear it, he was free to let it all out. the day he was re united with his friends, A day he thought would never come, and it felt like nothing had changed...they had excepted him right away, or that's how it seemed. Maybe he would wake up the next day and his life would go back to the misery, like today had never happened and he had never bonded with Keith or seen those two again. Lance's breathing became restricted, like a snake was wrapping itself around his chest, going for the kill.
He scrambled up and ripped off his shirt to get at the binder underneath. With panicked swallowed breaths as he squeezed out of the thing. Lance sat back on his twin sized bed, and breathed deep, catching back the breath that was stolen. He looked at himself in the full standing mirror on the opposite wall 'God what a fucking mess' he thought to himself sourly, all that he was able to see in that mirror a face too feminine, hips too wide, chest still too big. He angrily got up and turned the mirror around, disgusted by his own appearance he turned the mirror with more force than necessary most likely causing the glass to crack, but he didn't care. Throwing on a baggy t-shirt and sweater he threw himself on his bed, and cried. cried about all the bad thing, and the good. because the good thing hurt just as much.
"I never should have left.." He murmurered into his knees as he had once again found himself curled up. They were too good for him, they always had and always will be, but knowing those two, despite the negative thoughts in his head lance knew that there was no way that they would just let him go. The trio of Pidge, Hunk and Keith will do everything they can to keep him.


Keith looked back at his oldest friends with a deep worry embedded in his eye's,
"Why didn't you tell me you knew him?" He asked in a voice just above a whisper, he felt like he had been lied to, betrayed even by the people he loved most in his life and both of those people could see that on his face.
"We didn't know.." it was Hunk who finally spoke up "back in high school..they went by a different name." hunk looked at the carpet "a different person.." Keith looked at the two and signed
"Stop acting so sad, I'm not made. I swear." He pledged putting a hand over his heart trying to lighten their moods
"Its okay keith its not you, you don't have to try and cheer us up." Pidge said, standing from where she was situated on the floor. "Just-I I want you to be there for him. Please whatever you do just be there, because we weren't and he doesn't deserve that..." the shorter girls neutral persona cracked for a moment, revealing true pain. Keith flinched but nodded, the look of surprise on Keith's face was a brief one, getting replaced with a soft look of understanding "alright Pidge. Ill try my best."

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