The Audience of the Misshapen Pearl

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(Author's note: A Misshapen Pearl was once a derogatory term used to describe the Baroque Era (compositions from 1600-1750) of music. Its practice is used amongst modern day musicians and most don't even realize it. However, this is about one instrument used during this time. The Viol)

The year was 1650-something, give or take. The night was misty as were the eyes of a theatre audience who just witnessed the extraordinary violinist and composer Lawrence Tobias. A small theatre compared to that of the of the opera houses. However, he made his more than decent living here and was enjoying life. His wife of 15 years, Hilda, was always in attendance but not where he could see her. He knew if he saw her, he would be awestruck by her beauty and lose concentration.

After his performance, he headed out back to meet his wife. He waited for a bit but nothing. It was dreadfully dark, more than usual. He hears approaching footsteps and turns, believing it is his wife.

Instead, he is greeted by a shadowy figure, dressed in all black with a black hat. His face is hidden in the shadows. Lawrence wasn't too startled. It was a public area and people tend to walk this street...just not in the dark as much.

"Hello, Lawrence." Said the Shadowy figure.

"Good evening, sir." Lawrence replies.

"Great performance." The Shadowy figure explains.

Lawrence gives him a respectful nod. "Thank you, sir. I am pleased you enjoyed the show."

"As am I." he replies. "How much would it cost for a more private performance?"

"I don't do private performances." Lawrence replied.

"Oh but, I insissst." The Shadowy figure says while dropping a large bag filled with gold pieces.

The gold is the brightest object in the area. Just by the look at the top of the open bag and its size, Lawrence knows he can build a grander stage. He and his wife could live prosper for the rest of their lives. But he knows that would go against his morals. So, he refuses again.

Lawrence begins to walk away.

"Oh, but your wife also insists." The Shadowy figure says in an ominous tone.

Lawrence turns to face him.

"My w-wife? Where is she?" He asks.

"Why, she is inside, waiting for the performance of both of your lives."

Lawrence's temper begins to boil.

"What have you done with her?!?!" Lawrence asks in a shouting manner.

The Shadowy figure stays silent for a moment.

"Where is she?" Lawrence says with a growing impatience.

"You just take that money and place it on stage next to you in five minutes." He replies.

The Shadowy figure storms off and almost instantly vanishes in the darkness.

Lawrence picks up the bag and walks back inside. He gets on the now darkened stage when the torches are all lit simultaneously!

In the audience is the Shadowy to Lawrence's wife.

"You have two options, Lawrence. You can take that money and leave me with your wife. Or you can play for her life." The Shadowy figure explains.

"That's no contest, I play for my wife's life!" Lawrence says firmly.

"You may be wondering who or what I am." The Shadowy figure begins to explain. "I am eternal and can never and will never parish."

He extends his hand to reveal rotting claw-like fingers. Almost like the talons of a crow.

Lawrence begins to realize who this individual is.

"Now, you play until I grow tired. If you should stop, your wife's life with cease to exist." The Shadowy figure continues to explain.

"Why are you doing this?" Lawrence asks with nervousness in his tone.

Shadowy figure chuckles in a whisper. "Because, you're the only one worthy of such an offer. Take this as a compliment. Besides, you are forgetting something of utmost importance."

"What is that?" Lawrence asks.

"Before your success, you said and I quote, "I will give my soul to the Devil himself to play in front of an appreciative audience." Remember?" The Devil explains.

Hilda, shivers and looks at Lawrence with a disturbed look.

"I said that out of context! I was saying it out of frustration not being literal!" Lawrence explains with a defensive shout!

"Maybe so, maybe so. However, allow me to clarify. You claimed this pretty little beast to my right was YOUR...heart AND...soul." The Devil explains with such wickedness.

Lawrence swallows hard.

"So, that gives me ownership of both of you. Learn to bite your tongue in times of weakness, Lawrence. Now, you play until I tire. Might I add another point of"

Lawrence looks at Hilda. She tearfully gives him a nod.

Lawrence places the viol underneath his left chin and begins to play the concert of his life...literally.

He starts off slow knowing he has a long night ahead of him. The Devil and his evilness can't help but enjoy the sounds he cannot hear when in Hell. This truly is a treat for him.

After an hour of playing one song after another, he is still going. However, he his drenching with perspiration. His neck is stiffening.

"Give us something a little faster!" The Devil demands with a hint of glee in his tone.

Lawrence begins playing a little faster as was demanded of him.

His knees begin to rattle and bruise. Another hour passes and he is still going, struggling for a breath. His viol is soaked in his sweat.

"Lawrence, please, I beg of you, let me take a breather!" Lawrence pleads.

The Devil ignores him and continues to enjoy the music.

Lawrence continues as instructed. Yet another hour goes by and he is struggling even harder to play and to live. His right knee cracks as he falls to the floor but he continues! His left leg buckles, now he is on both knees on the hard-wooden stage floor!

He lets out a loud ad agonizing scream!!

Hilda is crying tears of crimson. She is out of natural tears!

Lawrence's hands are turning maroon. Blood pours out of his finger nails. Suddenly his wrists snap! The viol falls to the ground as does his body.

Hilda belts out a horrific scream.

The Devil stands up and applauses.

"Bravo, Lawrence, Bravo." He says in a taunting manner.

Lawrence in pain, stares at his wife.

"Please, forgive me, my love!" He says in such heartbreaking fashion.

She nods with blood s till pouring from her eyes.

The Devil looks at her then Lawrence.

He flicks his wrist and Lawrence's hands and wrists are healed.

Lawrence looks on with relief.

"If you have hopes, extinguish them." The Devil demands wickedly.

He does another flick of the wrist and Lawrence's hands (at the wrist) are severed! They now replace the Devil's hands. Lawrence screams but is not bleeding out.

"You can keep your worthless soul, Lawrence. I got what I needed. A new pair of hands..." He looks down at Hilda. "...and a new wife to add to my collection!" He touches Hilda on the head and her body decomposes in seconds!

Lawrence screams echo in the theatre, shattering its windows!

The Devil leaves with Lawrence's wife and his hands. A month passes by and Lawrence sits in a chair, staring at his viol without his hands. He sees what brought him both happiness and life. Also, he sees what brought him misery and his demise.

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