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Nicole's POV

Week later

Derek moved to Newcastle I'm so happy lately I've been sick just throwing up and stuff Lewis is gone out with his "friends" this weekend I know it's some girls so I go to Derek's house​

At Derek's house

I knock on the door and he answered

"Hey baby doll" he says

"Hey baby" I say

"Come in" he says

I walk in

"Wow" i say

He smiles

"I've been sick lately" I say

"Oh really since when??" He ask

"A week ago" I say

"Doctor?" He says

"K let's go" I say

He nods

At the doctor office

Dr= doctor- N= Nicole-D= Derek

Dr: Nicole your pregnant

N: what..really??..wow

D: that's amazing

Dr: in assuming you're the dad

Derek nods

Dr: congrats

In the limo

I cry tears of joy

"What's wrong" Derek ask me

"I'm so happy" I say while smiling

"What about Lewis??" He ask

My smile turns to sobbing he hugs me

Skip to Monday when Lewis gets back

I lay in my bed thinking how I was going to tell Lewis and I thought about what he was going to do or say
I hear the door open I get scared I put my unicorn PJs on and I walk down stairs and I see Lewis with a bottle of beer

"Hey baby" I say

"W...w...what?" He says slurring his words

"Your drunk.." I say

"Y..eah so.?" He says

"Whatever,baby u might wanna sit down" I say

He sits down

"Don't get mad" I say

"Depends" he says

"Well um well I'm uh well" I stuttering

"SPIT IT OUT" he yells

I flinch and I back up

"Okay...I'm pregnant....' I say in fear

He jumped up he smiled

"I'm a dad?!?" He asked happily

"Well that's the thing well Derek is the father" I say

He slams me against the wall and he punches me and looks at me disgusted

"You flilthy pig" he says

I tear up

"You're going to abort" he says

"NO I WILL NOT" I scream

He grabs a knife and he kicks me to the ground I scream and cry he beats me like I'm a piece of trash

2 hours later

"Baby I'm really sorry" he says

"I mean..it's okay but baby are you mad" I ask

"No baby.. I'm not I'm disappointed in myself cause I cheated to" he says

"Baby I'm doing a new session of x factor what should I do??" I ask

"I don't know tell the producers?" He says

I nod

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