The x factor

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Nicole's POV

It's been a week since I told Lewis and my bump is starting to show I'm 2 months and I'm starting x factor tomorrow I'm going to tell Simon, Sharon,and Louis tonight and I'm going to tell the producers the day of x factor.

Later that day

I call Simon,Sharon and Louis over to night and Derek Lewis doing business for work. I hear the door bell ring and I'm in my panties and bra I answer the door and it is Derek and Simon
S-simon-d-derek-mrs o-sharon-L-louis-n-nicole
Sharon and Louis rings the doorbell and I answer it

S: hey nic what's wrong why did you call us over?

Mrs o: yeah what happened? My

N: Derek and I have something to tell y'all

D: yeah..

L: what is it?

I rub my stomach Derek kisses my stomach Sharon screams and Louis says congrats and Simon grins and hugs me and says congrats

S: so it's his baby?

I nod


Next day

I wake up next to Derek and he's sitting up crying and I get up and put my arm around him

"What's wrong" I ask

"Am I going to be a good dad?" He ask

"Of course" I say

I move his hand on my stomach he smiles I take off my PJs and I go to my closet I put on a cropped dressed I walk out the closet and he smiles at he gets up and  he takes off his sleep shirt and shows his six pack and he goes to his bag and put on a t-shirt and some jeans and he puts his Jordans he sprays his hair then messes his hair up he gives me my heels and puts them on me. He picks me up and takes me downstairs. And puts me on the kitchen counter and makes me breakfast.He makes me eggs and toast
With some tea. When he's done he makes a plate for me I eat and did I mention  Derek is a guest judge. He picks me up and he takes me outside and puts me in the limo. I lay on his shoulder and he plays with my hair

"Do you love me??" He ask

"Yeah,no,yes,of course" I say

"Yes or no?" He ask

"The truth?" I ask

He nods

"Yes I like you I'm having your baby and I always liked you and I always will like you forever and ever don't forget that okay?" I say

He kisses me I sit there in awe I kiss him back and kiss him back we both start making out he kisses my neck we pull back

"Wow you're an amazing kisser" I say

"You're perfect Nicole" he says

I blush and I crawl on his lap

10 minutes later

The limo stops I crawl off his lap and I kiss him one more time and I climb out the limo holding his hand he slaps my butt while I'm climbing out I giggle and I put my sunglasses on and so does Derek we hold each other hand he moves his hand from mine and put his arm around me on the red carpet and we take pictures and I hear fans screaming we walking x factor studio I see the contestants

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