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Derek's pov

I wake up on my jet we are now in Newcastle. I grab my stuff and then I get off the jet I get in my limo and we drive to Nicole's house.

At Nicole's house

I get out the limo and I ring the doorbell and her friend? Answers at least I think that was her friend

"Hi, I'm Derek Nicole's best friend im here for her birthday " I say

"Mm well I'm Lewis her boyfriend and go ahead and come in" he says

"I didn't know Nicole had a boyfriend" I say

"Well she does and she's in her room go right ahead in" he says

I walk in and I go to her room she seems to be sleep I tap her

"Nicole" I whisper

"Huh?" She says with her eyes closed

"Open your eyes baby" I say

She opens her eyes and screams and she has tears in her eyes

"Happy birthday baby" I say

She sits on my lap and hugs me

"Thank you so much" she says with tears

I pull out a box and I open the box and I show her the dimond necklace and I put it on her she cries and sobs

"I've missed you so much you don't understand" she said

"I do understand I missed you too I missed you so much I cried today when I got dressed" i say

she looks up to me and kisses me on the lips we pull back I look in her brown eyes

"Your dating lewis" I say

She nods and she is in tears

"He cheats on me and I know it I saw him, I'm so sorry Derek I am just so depressed" she says

I tear up and I hold her in my arms and we both cry

"Let's go outside where the BBQ is" I say

She nods I get up and I pick her up and we go downstairs and we go outside where Lewis is grilling

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nicole" everyone screams

She says thank you and puts on a fake smile I pull Nicole to the side aka in the kitchen which you can't see from where they are outside

"What's wrong" I ask

"Nothing" she lies

"Tell the truth I Know you" I say

"I..I felt something when we kissed.." she says

"Me too" I say

I put her on the counter and we make out she pulls me upstairs to her room we lock the door and I push her on the bed and we make out

After that

She sits up her hair is messy she puts her clothes on I put my clothes on she grabs the door about to leave I grab her hand

"Wait baby, I love you" I say

She nods I smile and I get up we walk out the room she fixes her hair  we go back outside

After the party

I help clean up and I see Nicole and I walk up to her

"Hey Nicole I'll be at a hotel " I say and I give her my new number

She nods and kisses my cheek

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