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he feels bad for lying to his parents.

"i have a project to work on." which isn't a lie, technically, but... "i'll be back at nine."

the clock reads 6:45.

he slips out into the garage and starts up the car, parking it the next street over to avoid suspicion. he sneaks up to katherine's back porch and knocks three times.

she walks over to the sliding glass door and unlocks it, pulling it open to let him walk in. "you'd better have my food."

he rolls his eyes, raising the bag up to show that he does, in fact, have her dinner.

she smiles, taking the glasses that perch on the top of her head off to set them on the table. she's wearing a different outfit; black shorts and a loose purple tank top.

he moves the food next to her glasses and she takes his hand, pulling him upstairs to her room. it's normal, a few piles of clothes that sit untouched, the bed isn't made, the fan on her ceiling runs on low. "you ready?"

he nods, and she pushes him back the bed softly. "let's get started."

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