Spot: Row ?? Guest ?
Located:Another Story - Third Day 14:09 - Small Cute Adorable
Correct Answers:
I think it’s cool! Of course you can!
Smug, the light and hope of adolescent conceit!
Dark dragon Smug is also the symbol of strength!
Spot: Row 9 Guest 4
LocatedYoosung Route 9th day 10:41 Shocking Facts
Correct Answers:
Hawk Pose
Shiny White
Silk underwear with scarf
Spot: Row 18 Guest 2
Located:Zen Route 10th Day 11:47 - Jumin’s complaint
Jumin Route 9th Day 19:04 - Things we saw
707 Route 7th Day 14:58 - Unbelievable
Correct Answers:
I know the vanished seven treasure islands.
Yoosung’s LOLOL exploration
Spot: Row 10 Guest 1
Located:Yoosung Route 9th Day 18:00 - People waiting
707 Route 6th Day 21:00 - It was for Yoosung
Correct Answers:
The seal is unlocked!!!
The rise of the fire dragon slumbering within the eyes!!!
Mystic Messenger Email Answers
AcakI copied the answers from the blog of "otomeobsessed.com" to make the use of them easier in here without internet and all that things. I hope that you visit their blog and enjoy this. Credits : http://otomeobsessed.com/post/147304801423/mystic-messe...