Spot: Row 11 Guest 4
Located:Deep Story 4th Day 17:07 - Hacker is dangerous
Jaehee Route 6th Day 13:55 - Someone must be chasing us
707 Route 5th Day 23:47 - Perhaps my head is broken
Correct Answers:
Lucky Kim (whispers)
He’s an oldie, 80 years old.
Not Grandma! Grandmother!
Spot: Row ?? Guest ?
Located:Another Story -
Correct Answers:
Afro Hair
Afro hair for Chairman Han as well
Spot: Row 3 Guest 2
Located:Casual Story 4th Day 09:05 - Seven mocks Yoosung
Correct Answers:
Lots of people with warm hearts!
Rice, soup, green salad, backed salmon, fried eggs
Sell Small Issue Magazine
Spot: Row 5 Guest 4
Located:Yoosung Route 5th Day 15:43 - Zen with an injury
707 Route 9th Day 19:19 - What a relief
Correct Answers:
Hippocratic oath.
Request exam results.
Comparing several hospitals
Spot: Row 13 Guest 2
Located:Jaehee Route 9th Day 11:30 - Support and care
707 Route 6th Day 14:39 - JUMIN!!!!!T_T
Correct Answers:
Filial Piety
Be healthy.
Mystic Messenger Email Answers
AcakI copied the answers from the blog of "otomeobsessed.com" to make the use of them easier in here without internet and all that things. I hope that you visit their blog and enjoy this. Credits : http://otomeobsessed.com/post/147304801423/mystic-messe...