Chapter 13: Goodnight Kaito

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Nashi's POV:

I woke up this morning and couldn't wait for our mission. I had a shower, got dressed in the outfit that we bought at the mall and said goodbye to my parents.

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" I yelled as Sky flew beside me.

"Bye sweety! Have a good time!" Mom yelled after me and my dad gave me a hug.

"Please stay safe!" He exclaimed as he let go of our hug. I started walking away from the house with Sky when I raised my hand above my head and slightly waved without looking back. I walked to the train station while talking to Sky. Once we got there Leilah and Tomo were already there.

"Hi guys! Ready for our mission!?" I asked excitedly.

"Oh yeah!" Leilah replied.

"Yeah! Me too!" Tomo replied with a big smile. Kaito came next, then Hayami and then the twins.

"Now we're just waiting on Rosebud!" I exclaimed impatiently.

"Oh, don't worry! She's always late." Kaito remarked with a chuckle.

"I'M NOT ALWAYS LATE!" A tired and out of breath Rosebud argued as she ran up to us ten minutes late.

"Well, she's not that late." Tomo explained.

"See!? Thank you!" Rosebud exclaimed with an 'I told you so' smile.

"Not as bad as that time when she was late for the dance and had to use her 'feminine charm' to convince the bodyguards to let her in!" Tomo laughed as Rosebud went bright red.

"I thought I said never to speak of that again." Rosebud stated as her eyebrow twitched and we all laughed. The train pulled in and I started to feel sick already.

"Uhhhh!" Tomo groaned as the train pulled up, worry in his eyes.

"You get sick too?" I asked as Tomo nodded his head.

"All dragon slayers do. I'm an iron dragon slayer." He explained as we began to board the train. I took a deep breath as we sat down and the train began to move. I instantly felt sick and leaned on Leilah who was next to me. Tomo did the same and poor Leilah was stuck in between two sick dragon slayers who were sick.


Once we got there I stayed seated while everyone got up. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but I guess I just forgot I don't have to wait like on my bus. I was walking off the bus behind everyone.

"Alice!" Someone loudly whispered as I was going down the stairs. I quickly turned my head to see who it was but there was no one. When I wasn't looking I tripped and fell but the second before I hit the ground someone caught me. It was a blonde boy that I had seen earlier in the train.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I stood up and got out of the way of the door.

"It's fine, I want to become a guild wizard so it'll my job to save people." He explained, I reached out my hand for a hand shake.

"I'm Nashi, from Fairytail!" I exclaimed as his eyes twinkled.

"Really!? I've always wanted to become a Fairytail wizard! Are you all Fairytail wizards!?" He asked as he gestured towards my friends and I nodded my head.

"That's so cool!!!" He exclaimed, "great! Now I sound like my dad." He explained embarrassedly.

"Hey, you're Jason's son! Right!?" Rosebud asked excitedly.

"Yeah! I'm Hikaru!" Hikaru explained.

"Nice to meet you." Hayami greeted, which was weird because Hayami was normally quiet. She shook Hikaru's hand and looked at her watch. "It's only 12:30pm and our mission doesn't start until tomorrow so Hikaru, do you want to have lunch with us?" Hayami asked shyly.

"Yeah, if it's okay with you?" Hikaru asked and we all nodded our heads, we walked down the main street and there were so many resteraunts that smelled so good! I've always liked the taste of food and the smell of food and..well..everything about food! We found a place called Dan's grill and went inside. The inside looked allot like our guild hall. We got seated at a table and ordered.

"Hey..uh..guys?" Kaito remarked and we all looked at him. "What are we doing for our job exactly?" He stated, we forgot to tell the boys about our choice. I pulled the request out my bag and put it on the table.

"So, all we have to do is take care of a few Vulcans and we get 40 000 jewel!" I explained and everyone smiled and nodded.

"That sounds so cool! I wish I could come with you guys." Hikaru exclaimed.

"Well, you could! You could sit on the sidelines, wait for us to be done and you can come back to our guild with us!" Hayami explained as Hikaru's eyes widened.

"Back to your guild!?" He asked excitedly.

"You said you wanted to be a Fairytail wizard didn't you?" Hayami asked and he smiled and nodded. After that, our food came and we started eating it.

"Hey guys, I just realized that I don't know what magic you use!" I realized as everyone nodded.

"Ice make magic!" Kaito exclaimed.

"Re-quip magic!" Hayami explained.

"Iron dragon slayer magic." Tomo spat out though a mouth full of food.

"I use solid script magic like my mom." Leilah explained.

"We both use takeover magic." The twins stated.

"I use angel magic, which is weird because of my green hair. Most angel wizards have blonde hair." Rosebud explained as she looked down.

"Hey! I like your hair." Tomo smiled and Rosebud felt better.

"What about you Hikaru?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I use telekinesis magic so I can move things with my mind!" Hikaru explained.

"That's really awesome! You want to give us a dementation?" Hayami asked as she raised her eyebrows. He focused and lifted Hayami's drink off the table. "Awesome!" She exclaimed as Hikaru put her drink back on the table. We finished our food and began to walk to the hotel that we will be staying at. The hotel has huge rooms that have 5 separate rooms with 8 beds, a huge living room and a kitchen. I had a room to myself and so did Kaito and Hayami. The twins had one room with 2 beds and so did Leilah and Rosebud. We put our bags in our rooms as Hayami and Hikaru looked through the menu of the hotel resteraunts that deliver to your room. We had decided to watch a horror movie later on. I don't normally like horror movies because I get scared easily by those things. Our food was delivered and we started watching the movie. Everytime anything scary happened I screamed. I was in between Leilah and Kaito and I wasn't really wasn't enjoying the movie. When it ended everyone else was sleeping, Leilah was curled up beside Takau, Rosebud was resting her head on Tomo's shoulder at the base of the couch, Hayami was sharing a chair with Hikaru and they were both sleeping. Kaito looked over at me.

"You're awake too?" He whispered as I nodded. I was curled up in a soft white blanket and was wide awake in fear. "Here." He remarked as he picked me up bridal style and headed for my bedroom.

"Wait! Don't make me sleep alone tonight. Take me to Leilah and Rosebud's room." I exclaimed.

"The girls are already asleep and I doubt that they're going to get up anytime soon. You can come and sleep with me." He smiled as he walked towards his room. He laid me on his bread and he got under the covers. "Goodnight Nashi!" Kaito whispered.

"Goodnight Kaito." I whispered back and then I fell asleep.

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