Chapter 15: Goodbye Nashi

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Nashi's POV:

All I could remember when I woke up was Kaito in on pain. His pain hurt me, I joked awake and screamed his name. Thankfully my father wasn't there.

"Nashi! You're okay!" Leilah yelled when I woke up. She was joined at my bedside by Rosebud.

"We're so glad you're okay, Nashi! We were really scared! You were absolutely amazing!" Rosebud exclaimed excitedly. I took a deep breath and looked around. I was in the magical hospital.

"W-where's Kaito!?" I asked in a panic.

"He's not doing so well. But thanks to the two of you, the rest of us are alive and well." Leilah smiled with worry in her eye.

"I want to see him!" I explained but the two girls shook their heads.

"You can't leave and besides, they're not accepting visitors right now." Rosebud looked down in defeat, this worried me.

"H-he's going to be okay right!?..." I asked but no one answered. "Right!?" I asked again but they just started to cry. My heart dropped and I started to cry as well. I couldn't believe it. "NO! I have to see him! I-I just have to!" I got up and began to run but immediately collapsed. The nurses rushed to my side and bright me back to my room. I guess my injuries are worse than I thought.

"You must really care about this guy, huh?" One of the nurses asked and I sadly nodded my head. The nurses don't look very hopeful either.

"You must understand that a wizard's magic power is directly associated with their life force. Draining your entire body of magic power can kill you! And I'm surprised you lived." The nurse explained. I took a deep breath, all I could think about was Kaito. I didn't care about myself, I was worried about him.

"Nashi! I got here as soon as I heard you were awake!" Father yelled as he entered the hospital room where I was laying. He sat in a chair next to my bed. I saw Rosebud and Leilah whisper something to the nurse and she nodded her head. "I heard you fell! What were you trying to do!?" Father asked in a panic. I searched my brain for an excuse but none came to mind.

"I..uh.." I stuttered but then the nurse spoke up.

"She was trying to help one of the elderly woman that was struggling." The nurse lied. I said thank you in my facial expression.

"Still trying to help the elderly, even when you're in this condition. That's my girl!" He exclaimed with a smile. Leilah and Rosebud decided to wait out in the hall for the family visit to end. My mother walked in with a worried expression.

"Oh Nashi! I was so worried about you! How are you feeling!? Do you need me to get you anything!? Are you going to be alright!?" Mother bombarded me with questions.

"Woah! Mom! Calm down! I'm going to be fine!" I answered reassuringly.

"I was just so worried! You know, with the condition Kaito is in...I was so worried...I..." At that moment my mother burst into tears and my dad pulled her head against her chest. I was so worried about Kaito, I couldn't stop thinking about him. After a few hours my parents finally decided to leave me alone. Rosebud and Leilah walked back in the room and say down beside my chair.

"We got news that tomorrow you will be able to walk and visit Kaito." Rosebud explained with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong with Kaito! I-is he going to be okay!?" I asked in panic. Rosebud looked down as Leilah started to cry. She shook her head. My heart dropped and my head started turning. No! This can't be! H-he has to get better! H-he just has to! After a while Leilah and Rosebud had to leave because visiting hours were over. I couldn't get to sleep easily. Kaito was in trouble and there was absolutely nothing I could do to help him. Tears ran down my cheeks when I thought of the condition he was in. I was just happy that I would get to see him tomorrow. But how everyone's talking, I'm worried this will be my last. I looked at the clock that said three in the morning and I closed my eyes and relaxed my tear stained face and fell asleep.


I woke up when Leilah and Rosebud came into my room and began to talk.

"H-how are we suppose to tell her!" Rosebud cried as Leilah comforted her.

"We'll just have to find a way." Leilah stated sadly. I opened my eyes and the two girls sadly smiled at me.

"Can I see Kaito now!?" I asked worriedly. Rosebud smiled and nodded and she carried me into some chrutches which enabled me to somewhat walk. I walked down the hall with the help of Leilah and Rosebud, they left me alone once I went into the room. Kaito had his eyes closed and was hooked up to a heart monitor. It was repeatedly beating and this gave me hope. He slowly opened his eyes and as soon as he saw me he smiled.

"Nashi, just who I wanted to see!" He whispered weakly. I say down on the bed next to him and smiled back at him. He grabbed my hand and looked sadly into my eyes. "I don't have much time." He remarked as he looked down.

"Don't talk like that! You're going to be fine." I began to cry and he wiped away the tears but they just kept coming.

"Nashi, before I go, I just wanted you to know that you're the only girl I've ever felt like this about. I love you Nashi and I wouldn't change how this played out because even though these are my last moments, I'm just glad to be spending them with you! I wouldn't have it any other way." He explained as I cried more.

"No! Kaito! You can't leave me!" I cried as he put his hand on my face.

"Nashi, please don't make this any harder then it is." He whispered and then his face turned to one of pain. "Goodbye Nashi!" He exclaimed as his heart monitor flat lined. The continual beep made me instantly deviated.

"NO!" I screamed as the doctors and nurses rushed in trying to draw me out of the room. "Kaito!" I began to sob. In the hall I was held back by Rosebud and Leilah who were sobbing too. We looked in the window as the doctors tried everything to bring him back. Seconds felt like minutes but after a few minutes the doctors stopped scrambling and pulled the sheet over his head. "NO!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I dropped to my knees. The only boy I have ever loved dead!

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