Guilty Party

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The room was dead silent at first. Nobody dared to speak. Henry slumped forwards in his bindings. Sebastian stared in horror at what he had done he dropped the gun to the floor, taking several steps back as fresh tears ran down his face. He took in shaky breaths. Barry cried out in anguish as his own tears of shock dribbled down his face. The brothers' sadness was ripped apart by the bitter and victorious laugh of Charles, "what a show," he snarled as he pointed the gun to Barry's head.

"Don't," Sebastian reached out to Charles, his whole body was shaking, but he knew he needed to save his brother.

Charles froze, he could feel betrayal and anger rolling off of Barry in waves, "I was going to kill you," he smiled fondly down at his gun, "but this story is just too damn interesting," with that he opened the wardrobe behind him, revealing a pitch black hidden passage, he shot at Barry's handcuffs, freeing him, but immediately slamming the door shut and disappearing behind it.

Barry had torn off the duct tape and was holding Henry up in seconds. He held his father close as blood leaked out from his chest. Barry stared up at Sebastian, his eyes were full of hate and anguish, "HOW COULD YOU?" He screamed, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT, YOU SHOULD HAVE LET HIM KILL ME!" Tears continued to fall down his face. Sebastian felt guilt squeeze him as he stepped back.

"I am sorry," he whispered, "I am so, so sorry," Sebastian replied sincerely before he turned around and fled the building. He tore through the stairwell and ripped through the cottage, throwing open the door into the thunderstorm. He held his arms in front of his face as charged out. The rain lashed down on him as thunder cracked not too far away from him. He couldn't breathe. He spun around, searching for something, anything. Yet he couldn't see a thing because of the harsh rain. He could feel himself crying, his tears were much warmer than the rain. He crouched down, putting his head between his knees, sobs wracked him. His heart ached in his chest and pure guilt and fear made him tremble. He had just killed someone. He had just murdered his own father. He fell onto the wet ground, letting the rain abuse him. He deserved it.

Barry watched the nurses and doctors around him whizz about. He stared into space aimlessly as he waited. People around him were either, sobbing, or just like him, in shock. He waited patiently, he didn't know how long for, but he knew that it was a while when he could see the sun begin to rise. He felt white hot rage burning in his veins. After all Henry had done for Sebastian, he hadn't hesitated to shoot him. Barry could feel tears spring up in his eyes. Sebastian was a murder. He had gone through this before, he had seen his father die before. This time was just as bad as the last. A child's agonised scream echoed through the air. This time was not any easier. His breathing was still quick, but not from fear, from anger. He would never forgive, or forget what his brother had done. The thought of calling him his brother made him queasy. He was dead to Barry.

His train of though was interrupted when a man in a white coat approached him, it was the doctor. He bore a sad smile on his face. Barry's gut clenched, "I'm sorry Mr Allen, we did what we could, but he only has a few days left at best," everything seemed to stop, all Barry could focus on was those words. A few days. Just a few days. If he could only make time stop and spend an eternity with his father.

Barry entered the small hospital room that had been given to his father. It was bland and riddle with machinery, all of them working in unison so keep Henry alive for as long as possible. Barry crept to the end of Henry's bed, pulling a chair over quietly. He sat in the seat and rested his head in his hands as a tired sigh grasped him. He looked over his father. His face was pale and his lips were tinged blue, the heart monitor was beeping softly and reassured Barry that his father wasn't dead yet. Henry's body lay peacefully, his face was resting in a gentle smile. He had always had the knack to see the best in dire situations, it was rare that he was ever sad or angry. Barry gently placed his hand on Henry's. he felt familiar waves of calmness and peace roll over him.

"Barry?" Henry's croaky and damaged voice made Barry snap his head up.

"Are you ok?" Barry asked.

Henry nodded his head slightly, "what happened?" He asked as confusion slapped him in the face.

"Sebastian shot you," Barry told him through gritted teeth.

Henry's eye remained in contact with Barry's as they lit up with memory, "of course..." he mumbled, he felt dread and sorrow fill the pit of his stomach. He knew that there was a slim chance of him living, "Barry," he called upon his son.

"Yes?" Barry looked at him with hope in his eyes.

"You're angry at Sebastian aren't you?" He asked, despite already knowing the answer.

"Yes," Barry admitted, in his gut he knew it was wrong to blame Sebastian, but he was just too angry to see into the grey section.

"Please don't be," Henry sighed, "you know he had no other choice,"

"He did, he could have let me be shot," Barry replied firmly as he felt his doubts grow stronger, he just wanted to wake up and for all of this to be a dream.

"He didn't want to shoot me Barry," Henry shook his head with a happy smile, "he really didn't... and do you know what he told me right be fire he pulled the trigger?" He asked Barry who had begun to well up, "he told me that he loved me,"

"He did?" Barry asked as tears began to fall down his face. He knew he shouldn't blame Sebastian. His brother had to make a difficult decision, and he made it.

"Yes, Barry, he really does love us," Henry smiled as his own tears of joy fell down his face, "please go and find him, make things right, bring him here," he told his son with hope glittering in his eyes, "I love you Barry, please,"

Barry nodded, all he needed to do now was to find the man in question.

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