Chapter 14

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I drifted off into a little nap after I munched down the apple. By the time I woke and caught back up to Kakashi's group again he had fallen to the forest floor, scaring his students.

I bet he overused that Sharingan...I thought, trying to comfort myself that that was the reason. But I still worried.


"Are you alright, Sensei?" The woman I had heard to be Tazuna's daughter asked Kakashi in concern.

My concern for Kakashi got the best of me and I reverted back to my cloak jutsu, not caring about trying to replenish my chakra reserves at this moment. I needed to be near him, even if I didn't show myself to him. And again I had switched back to my casual clothes just in case...damn I was getting tired of the wardrobe changes.

Now I sat against the wall closest to Kakashi where he lay bundled on the floor.

"Yeah...I just can't move for a week or so." He answered.

"What?! The sharingan is incredible but...if it puts that much stress on the body. I guess you have to think before using it..." Sakura commented on his condition.

Thank you Sakura! Exactly what I was thinking.

"Well, we defeated that strong of a ninja this time. We should be good for a while!!" Tazuna interjected trying to lighten up the room.

(This is where part of the story will be written differently than the Naruto story line. Nothing big, but instead of them all sleeping in one large room, Kakashi was in a smaller room that the others eventually left to go to their own.)

After another hour of everyone fussing over Kakashi and him coming to the realization that Zabuza is still alive, they eventually filtered out for some dinner and sleep.

"A week or so?! That doesn't sound alright to me!" I piped up and popped up as soon as they left. Kakashi jumped slightly, but not as much as he used to. And this time I wasn't disappointed like I used to be about not getting a good enough scare out of him. He really was making me soft.

"Worried about me? This is new." He chuckled, thinking of my usual day light antics.

"W-what?! Psh...I-I'm not worried." I couldn't believe I let myself stutter and get nervous. And what does me mean by 'new'?! Is he forgetting the nights I've been there through his nightmares...but then again that is the only time I give him a break. "Just helping the point Sakura made, you dope." I finished a bit calmer.

He looked at me with a sigh, then back to the rooms doorway watching it in thought for a moment. Then he raked his hand through his hair and down his face like it had become his own habit he picked up with me. Once he passed his chin he held it out towards me before slowly glancing my way. "Come here." He sighed.

"What?" I did my best not to get a little wide eyed wondering what he was thinking. He got impatient and starting doing a 'come here' gesture with his hand stretched out to me.

"Just come on already." He huffed this time getting a little impatient. At that I squeaked with a curt head nod and quickly scurried across the short distance between us. I was still kneeling, having crawled over where I sat, and just leaned forward with my hands on my knees looking like I was waiting for another order. He grabbed one of my wrists, pulling it towards him and I lost my balance. One of my hands was in his grasp to the right of him, so I quickly caught myself with my other hand to the left of his head. As soon as I put myself in this position he wrapped his free arm around my waist then swiveled to lay on his side which flipped me and landed me on my side facing him. I couldn't help but squeak again and clench my eyes shut through his flip. I felt his hand let go of mine and trailed it around my waist, now holding me close with both arms.

"You should already know you never have to worry about me." He said, making a reference to me being a 'part of him', "just as you knew I needed to trust in them back there."

He rested his chin on the top of my head and I couldn't help but allow myself to relax in his chest since I didn't see myself going anywhere anytime soon.

But the warm embrace didn't last long as an idea popped in Kakashi's head and he pulled back just slightly. I finally opened my eyes to look up at him with a little pout at him pulling back.

"You know..." He trailed off as he moved his hand from my waist up my back and tangling it in my hair.

Uh... what's this about...

"...If you are going to worry and want to help, I think a reenactment of last night just might help bring back my energy sooner..." I could barely make out a small smirk gracing his lips from under that mask as he said that.

"B-But your students could walk in...and they'd find you in quite a confusing..." I quickly rambled then trailed off realizing what he had done and what I had given away. My performance of the innocent idiot earlier was now for nothing. I tried to keep my composure, but between the closeness of our bodies and what he had so boldly suggested my face was quite red which didn't help matters.

Kakashi studied my red cheeks then narrowed his one visible eye at me, but his smirk had grown wider. "I knew it. I didn't imagine it...errr... I mean...I did imagine it...but I didn't imagine imagining it felt." I could tell he was getting flustered trying to figure out how to properly say what he wanted to say and now what bit of his cheeks I could see were going red as well. "But, wait..." The narrowed eye glance ended and he now had a certain look in his eye with a quirked brow, "you weren't denying my is it possible for me to feel such an experience again?..." He now speculated as he trailed off in thought again.

Not able to take him staring at this red face of mine while he was thinking God knows what I buried my face in his chest as if that would help me suddenly disappear. "What?" Kakashi broke from his thoughts and chuckled at me. He loosened his tangled hand in my hair and just laid it gently on top of my hair, holding me to this chest. "You must have liked it too to let yourself get so distracted from taunting my mind" He chuckled again as he called me out.

"You're so lewd-" I finally responded while shaking my head against his chest. "-You shouldn't even be moving...just resting...and you're already thinking about-" And there went another squeak when I thought about...not that I wouldn't mind feeling that way again either..but I shouldn't...this is not how I slowly distance myself...I must stop letting myself think this way!..."-you're such a pervert." I finally paused from shaking my head.

"Shhh, I'm trying to rest." He said coyly, pretending I hadn't just stated that that is what he was supposed to be doing.

"Oh my god" I muttered, but took that as a hopeful sign that he wasn't about to try something and relaxed against him. Luckily for me...cause I don't think I could have resisted his advances...he did what he said and soon his body grew still and his breathing deepened. As soon as he was in a deep enough sleep I finally slipped out of his arms without notice and got away from him.

I just told myself this very morning that I was going to lessen my presence from him! And what do I do? I turn into a love sick puppy so worried that I let myself get wrapped up into his ams again...I let myself give away what we really did and thought about it happening again...I didn't think it would be so hard to distance myself from him...Shit...I've got it bad for you, Kakashi Hatake...what have you done to me?

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now