Chapter 41

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A/N: I'm still going to wait a couple weeks before starting the next Kakashi story, but I have gone ahead and posted a Character info chapter and am taking votes on name preference for character. Story is called 'The Sordid Tangles of Life'

"You look beautiful, really." Kakashi's tone was a bit impatient as he waited for me in the doorway, "Now, come, please." 

I looked over at him with a raised brow as I tied the yellow lace sash in a bow a top my belly. "You make it sound like you're the one who's been begging to get out of this house." I commented with a hint of amusement.

"Yeah, well..." Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck nervously, trying to think of an excuse for his behavior, " can thank my appetite for that. And I have you to thank for making me hungrier." He responded, patting his 'empty' stomach as he turned the table back on me. 

I tried to pout through my smile as I walked over to Kakashi and stopped in front of him with a hand on his chest. "Would it ease your worries any to know that, even before going out, that this is one of the most enjoyable days I've had in a while?" Before he could respond, I reached up on my tip toes to give him a small peck, "And our delay just now certainly helped with that." I whispered against his lips before resting back on my heels. 

Kakashi kept his eyes closed for a moment before opening them with a soft sigh. He looked down at me with a softness in his eyes, whatever he was worrying over gone for the moment. "Good." He held my hand and kissed the back of it, "That's exactly what I wanted."

"Exactly what you wanted?" I repeated. Kakashi got a little sweat drop at the suspicious tone in my voice.

"Well, of course." He blurted out while tapping his cheek nervously, "I hope everyday that you have a most enjoyable day. It's what any god boyfriend would want for their pregnant girlfriend. Now, come, please." He swiftly intertwined his fingers in mine and pulled me through the house and out the door before any further conversation could be started that might cause further delay. 

It wasn't evening yet, but it was getting late. As we walked, the sun was starting its descent, so the clouds had just started to take on their orange glow. Even through the clouds, the warmth of the sun felt good on my skin and I closed my eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling of soaking it in. I felt myself being watched and peeked one eye open and looked over at Kakashi from the corner of my eye. He was watching me with that same softness in his now one eye, but this time he turned away and looked forward with a hidden blush when I caught him looking. 

"Hey, Kakashi...exactly where is this restaurant you had in mind?" I finally asked when I noticed we were getting farther from the village streets and shops. 

Kakashi immediately stopped and pulled me to a dead stop with him still holding my hand. "Why, are you ok? Was this too much? Do your feet hurt?" He automatically started going off, thinking that was a 'how much longer because I can't make it' question. 

I let go of his hand and grasped his shoulders, "Kakashi, I'm fine. We're fine." I said with a small giggle while motioning between me and the baby bump. "I was just curious because I didn't recall there being any restaurants out this way."

Kakashi pulled one of my hands from his shoulder and kissed the back of it again before returning to holding it. "If you haven't heard of this place, then you'll just have to wait and enjoy the new experience for yourself." And with that, Kakashi turned back to the road we had been on and continued on. 

We came to a small foot path between a line of trees at the end of the road just before it turned. Kakashi held up a low hanging branch for me and motioned with his other arm for me to continue ahead. The foot path wound up a small, and luckily not so steep, hill. Once we reached the top, I gasped as Kakashi stood behind me with his arm around my waist. The sun had gotten lower and now hung at just the right angle that the orange and pink light seemed to shimmer across the rise of the landscape and illuminating the flowers that bloomed across the meadow. 

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