Chapter 32

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The alarm went off which was quickly met with a haphazard smack as I blindly reached behind me trying to slap it off. I groaned lightly in annoyance, not wanting to wake up just yet. I allowed sleep to take over my senses just a bit longer until the snooze reminder went off.

The fifteen minutes went by and before I could smack it to off this time, an arm reached around me hitting the snooze again before slipping around my waist and pulling me into them. "Kakashi," I whined softly into his chest, "I have to get up." I pushed against his chest, but he just tightened his grip on my waist, his fingers massaging my lower back making it hard to want to get up.

"Tell me first." He demanded, his cheek warm against the top of my head.

I gave in for a moment, burying my nose in the crook of his neck and leaving a small kiss on the skin  "I love you."


"Of course."

I could feel his throat vibrate with his hum of approval on my cheek. His grip loosened enough for me to roll back from him, but his fingers stayed trailing across my skin as I moved away from him.

The back of my shirt lifted slightly from his touch and Kakashi gazed the patch of skin revealed a bit perplexed. "Did you hurt yourself?" He asked, his fingertips just barely brushing the nude colored square adhered to my lower back before I pushed myself up from the bed.

"What?" Confused, I twisted to look at my back wondering if there was some bruise I hadn't noticed. But it was just the birth control patch which, now that I thought about it, looked very much like a band-aid. "That's just the patch."

I started using it about two weeks after I had lost the baby. Before we left the hospital, the doctor had set down with Kakashi and I to make sure how we were handling the loss of the baby and during it-not wanting to ask or assume whether we had planned the baby or not-made the off hand mention that I should be able to conceive again in two weeks in case that was a concern. With those words I sort of started my game plan for getting my life back on track. I decided let my emotional healing match my physical healing, so I allowed myself to continue to feel the grief and sorrow up until the doctor confirmed that-physically-everything was back in order. Personally, I hadn't thought far enough ahead past the two weeks to have birth control on my mind, but when the doctor had asked if I had needed a prescription that's when I thought that maybe the smoothest transition to complete my emotional healing was to get back into the rhythm of my life before everything happened-which included the rhythm of Kakashi and I's relationship as well. 

"The patch?" Kakashi repeated with a tilted head as he watched me head for the doorway to the bathroom.

"You know, the birth control patch." I added nonchalantly as I exited the bedroom. 

Once I entered the bathroom, I immediately stripped down and hopped in the shower before the water had even finished warming up. I needed to make up for lost time with a quick shower so I wasn't late to Ibiki's office. The now warm water beat down on my head, rinsing out the shampoo and drowning out the click of the door opening and closing. With my eyes clamped shut to avoid suds, I gave a little jump in shock when I felt a pair of hands back on my hips.

"Kakashi" I chuckled a bit breathlessly from the mini heart attack he gave me and swatted his shoulder. After the swat I let my hand linger on his skin and slid my fingers from his shoulder, around his back and up the back of his neck. "What are you thinking?" I pretended to sound chiding as I finally opened my eyes and looked up into his. Kakashi's eyes looked mischievous, but something about the rest of his expression said he was on a mission. 

"I was thinking that I haven't been in the shower with you since..." He purposely trailed off, his fingers on my lower back tightening as he thought back to that day he had come home early and caught me in the shower. My cheeks flushed remembering how I had lost control of my cloak when I had gotten myself pinned against the wall and came face to face with his...*cough*...and then Kakashi started doing just that. 

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