Chapter 15

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That night I took my sleep leaning against the window near his side. I at least dropped my cloak through the night since I could sense the whole house was at rest. And I slept light enough to sense when the others awoke and quickly activated my jutsu again before they could shuffle in the door to check on Kakashi.

Naruto barreled into the room first, but I had a feeling he wasn't tiptoeing out of concern he might wake Kakashi from his much needed rest. The little blonde devil creeped up along side Kakashi, one hand inching closer to Kakashi's mask while he covered his mouth with the other to suppress his laughter. Just as he reached the edge of the mask, Kakashi turned with a small moan.

Naruto froze in fright cause he started to tiredly blink his eyes until he was awake after that. I froze because he moaned my name in his sleep. And I don't mean he lustfully moaned 'Fig' because of a pervy dream...he moaned 'Haruhi' softly with a stitch in his brow as he said it.

He called out my name...well, my alias really...but him it's my real name...does this mean he's figuring it out?

With a giant nervous gulp I figured it would be best to keep to my self cloaked for the time being if the real me was on his mind.

"Idiot!! What are you doing?!" Sakura yelled at Naruto with a swat to the back of the head.

"We were so close to seeing under his mask!!" He yelled just as loudly back at her.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the two of them bickering which at least shut Sakura up. Then he turned back to his sensei who had started to sit up while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Once he was posed and looked over at the three, Sasuke finally spoke up.

"Who's Haruhi?" He asked simply.

"Haruhi?" Kakashi hesitated, not having realized he was talking in his sleep.

"You can't just ask about things like that!" Now Sakura was on him with a blush to her cheeks...I assumed she thought the moan was from a pervy dream and she didn't want to know more than that.

"It's alright, Sakura." He assured her with what we all assumed was a closed eye grin under his mask. "Haruhi...well, I wouldn't so much call her an 'old friend' as I would an 'old nemesis' of mine." We both chuckled at his choice of words, but to my benefit he couldn't hear me. "She kept her face completely bandaged like a mask the same way Zabuza does... I guess he reminded me of her."

At that I managed to breath a sigh of relief. I couldn't deny I thought the same thing when I saw Zabuza, so I could certainly see how he thought that.

"But... You look worried about her... I thought you said she was your 'nemesis'?" Sasuke continued to prod.

Yeah, Sasuke. Keep going! I knew you were my favorite Uchiha and not just because your brothers a psycho...That part just helps

"Well-" he paused, assessing his students and wondering if he really wanted to be talking with them about this.

"You can tell us Kakashi-sensei." Now it was Sakura who finally piped up. I guess Sasuke's interest finally peeked her own interest now that she knew this wasn't turning into a pervy adult conversation. "It can be good for you to work things out by talking about it." She added.

"And it's not like you're going anywhere anytime soon." Naruto felt the need to add in his own two cents while patting Kakashi's leg rather harshly which earned him a death glare from his sensei.

"Fine" he mumbled before clearing his throat and speaking up louder, "Haruhi and I have faced off many times and we always rivaled one another in strength-"

"Like Sasuke and I!!" Naruto interrupted which earned him a glare from Kakashi and Sasuke.

Kakashi paused until Naruto got the hint to shut up and he clamped his mouth shut, "-but during our last encounter something was different about her. Even though we have battled many times over the years, she used techniques that I had never seen her use before. At least not that I knew of or that she had ever used against me. I didn't think about it at the time...but that fight...and then Kakuzu...I think she was holding back on me all those years and not actually coming at me with everything she certainly makes even a Jonin like me wonder." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he admitted this.

"What happened in the fight?" Sakura asked.

"She threatened to take my life-something she had actually never done before...not even during all those other fights now that I think about it...then every trace of her vanished as if she didn't exist and then...I was out...she paralyzed me instantly and I couldn't stop it."

He paused, raising his hands up for them to 'hold on' when they looked at him in surprise.

"-but to my advantage she missed one detail." He added and Naruto let out an exaggerated sigh of relief.

Missed a detail? Really?...well, he did break the paralysis I put him under...

(I know this next part might not stay 100% true to his sharingan. This is a 1 time alteration for this story)

"My sharingan. Or else I don't know how long I would have been stuck out there if I hadn't activated it before she snuck up on me."

I was only going to leave you there a few hours you big baby.

"And Kakuzu?" Sasuke brought up, curious about that other name he mentioned.

He's a good for nothing bastard, that's what he is I grumbled to myself.

"I think I did something wrong." He said softly, his gaze shifted to his hands as he fiddled with them while lost in thought.

If he didn't already have my attention, he had it then. My ears perked up and I scooted a little closer to better hear.

"What was that?" Naruto exclaimed as if he didn't hear him right.

Kakashi didn't repeat himself, just carried on. "On occasion, Kakuzu was her partner in battle, but I think he was there to observe her this time. She was alone when she attacked me, but he was there when I caught up with her after I broke the jutsu. When I made my presence known, intent to strike back, Kakuzu was surprised and Haruhi was frightened...but not of me...Kakuzu knocked her out... I think it was because of me, but I don't know why..." His eyes shifted back and forth from palm to palm as he thought hard trying to figure out what was missing.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura was timid, trying to get his attention. He just gave a 'hm' as he looked up, still a bit in his thoughts. "As Shinobi, should we be taking our nemesis' into consideration when battling?..."

Sasuke and Naruto stared at her blankly for a moment, not getting what she was meaning.

"Obviously you have to take your opponent into consideration, Sakura." Sasuke was quick with his 'duh' retort.

"... I don't mean like that. Their feelings, their situation whatever it may be...I don't know! Kakashi-sensei's story just made me wonder!" Sakura quickly got flustered and started to shout at nothing the longer Naruto and Sasuke just looked at her like she said the craziest thing.

"His 'old nemesis'...long time rivals... fought so many times he thought he knew all her moves..." Naruto was ticking off his fingers as he recanted things Kakashi had said, "just don't go getting any crushes on your opponents and I don't think you'll have to worry about that." He told Sakura with a thumbs up and cheesy grin.

Kakashi narrowed his eye at Naruto, then nodded his head at Sakura who immediately flicked Naruto on the nose for him.

"That reminds me, your training begins now." Kakashi said, still eying Naruto.

"That reminds you?!" Naruto exclaimed while Sakura and Sasuke swore at him for the results his loud mouth gave them.

Sorry if this one was a bit she and short. Next one will be better and with more action!

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now