The Last Goodbye (tom holland)

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This imagine is a collab I did with Nay!! (@tomimagines on tumblr) shes amazing and writes really really cool imagines. If you don't you should totally go follow her :) 


Emily: (@puppyholland)

Tom clasped your hand tight as you both walked down the hallway. The long white hallway that seemed to grown a mile with every step. You looked over to Tom, whose eyes were kept straight and glassy.

He knew this day was coming for a couple weeks now, but no amount of preparation would even come close to prepare him for this. You both got no sleep last night, you stayed up late drinking coffee and watching old videos of her and remembering the first time she ever met you. You both were laughing but the laughter died off and it turned to tears pretty quickly.

You formed your lips into a line, looking back down to your hands interlocked together as you walked. You both were early, Tom wanted to make sure he had enough time to say goodbye as possible.

You reached the room and he paused. Freezing in his footsteps and stopping you with his arms. You looked to him again, he was still looking forward, his eyes more watery this time. It broke your heart.

"I don't-I don't know if I can do this." Tom muttered, looking down at his feet.

"Hey," You spoke softly, reaching a hand up and turning his head towards yours so both of your eyes locked with his. "It's all going to be okay. I promise."

Tom's breath hitched before you took him into a hug. His arms immediately wrapped themselves around you and he buried his head in your neck. You closed your eyes tight and rubbing your hand up and down his back slowly. You did this for a while before speaking.

"Let's go see her, yeah?" Now, even you were choking back tears. For all the time you and Tom had been together you and her formed a nice bond.

Tom nodded his head slowly while standing back up straight. You looked him in the eyes once more and gave him a slight nod before opening the door. Tom grabbed your hand again almost immediately, squeezing it tight.

The first thing you both saw was Tessa laying still on the bed. You could hear a sniffle behind you before the sound of the door closing. The vet beside the table looked up from his computer and smiled thoughtfully.

The room was bright. Yellow and painted like a field of flowers. It was suppose to be comforting but it just came off as more annoying than anything. The smell was like a warm vanilla, that's suppose to comfort you once again which this time it might actually work.

"Tom, I'm glad you came early," The vet stood up, shaking Tom' hand, he turned to you. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't think we were ever introduced, I'm Dr. Hunt."

"I'm Y/n." You said politely, he smiled at you once more.

"Like I said, I'm glad you came early, she isn't doing well.. I thought she could last through the day but-" He stopped, looking at her then back to Tom. "I just called your family, they are on their way."

Tom nodded slowly. "I'll give you some time and send your family down when they get here." He put a hand on Tom's shoulder and left the room.

Tom looked over at you slowly, he was crying now, more than before.

With his hand still in yours you slowly moved your feet over to the chairs beside the bed, dragging Tom with you. You both sat down and Tessa looked as excited as ever to see Tom, her little tail going wild behind her and her trying desperately trying to lick you and Tom.

She can't really move her body, just her head and her tail. She's gotten really old within the years, slowly not being able to climb the stairs, get up on the bed despite not being allowed to, and not playing anymore.

"Hey, girl. Hi, Princess." Tom cried, petting Tessa up and down. You watched as Tom took her one paw in his hand and laid his head on her body, his head bobbing up and down with her breath. Each one looking weaker than the last. "You're okay, princess. You're okay."

You reached your hand out and stroked her head, her giving you a quick lick to the hand and you followed down to her paw that Tom was holding. You wrapped your hand around his and smiled at him sympathetically. Her tail had almost stopped completely. The only noise in the room was both of your sniffling and the occasional 'Good girl, Tess.'

"I love you, Tess." Tom mumbled over and over again. "I love you, Tess." He played with her paw, his head still on her body. "I love you, Tess."

You both almost hadn't noticed when Tom's head stopped bobbing up and down.

Nay: (@tomimagines)

You shut your eyes tightly but that doesn't even stop the tears from pouring down your face. You press your lips on Tessa's head and hear as Tom's sobs become louder.

This is pain that you never want to feel again. You ache for the loss of someone so important not only to yourself, but for the one you love the most.

"No, Tessa," Tom cried out, his voice muffled. "Please, please, please."

You open your eyes and through your blurry and watery vision, you can see Tom still crying, his whole body shaking, his head buried in Tessa's fur. "Tom," your voice breaks.

You move your chair closer to his and just hold him as he lets it all out. You feel your chest constrict just hearing the hurt from Tom's cries.

"We needed more time," Tom murmurs.

"I know, baby. I know," you comfort him, kissing his hair while rubbing your hand up and down his back.

Just then, the door opens and Paddy is the first one to come in, followed by the twins, and then Nikki and Dom. They all freeze in the doorway and just stare at the both of you crying over Tessa.

Nikki's hands go flying to her mouth as she tries to stifle her cries. Dom wraps his arm around her and kisses her head as he closes his eyes.

"Tessa?" Paddy speaks and that makes Tom lift his head up. He immediately wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater, sniffs and stands up to turn and look at his family.

"Hey, Pads. Hey, guys," he mumbles shakily. Nikki steps forward and hugs her son tightly before the rest of the family follows.

You wipe at your face, stand up, and take a step back to give the family a moment to themselves. You can't bear to look at Tessa's still body on the bed so you turn to look at anything but the tears come back.

"Come here, hun," Nikki calls out to you, her hand reaching out. You smile sympathetically and take her hand. She pulls you in into the big family embrace and you can hear nothing but sniffles and the clearing of throats as the whole family comforts each other.

Paddy is the first one to break from the group and walks over to stand next to Tessa. Slowly, the rest of the Hollands follow suit until they all form a circle around the table.

You stand next to Tom and his arm wraps around your shoulders, your own arm wrapping around his waist. You hold each other tightly, crying, and you feel him kiss the side of your head. "Thank you," you hear him whisper into your hair, "for being here. I don't know if I would have been able to do this without you."

You close your eyes and then turn to kiss his shoulder softly before laying your head on it.

You begin to reminisce the way Tessa always lit up the room whenever she came to snuggle while you and Tom watched a movie. The way she made everyone laugh every time Tom dressed her up. She was a friend and a comfort you always wanted to have around.

Before dating Tom, Nikki's approval was crucial but even more, you were anxious to see if Tessa ever accepted you. She's his princess... and always will be.

You try to think of other memories, like how her favorite thing was running around in the fields, completely free, with her tongue hanging out. Looking at the yellow walls again, you start to paint in your mind long strands of grass and the sun shining down on the walls. You hold onto Tom tighter as you imagine that Tessa is now running happy, with no pain, in the endless fields and looking down at you all.

imagines ; tom holland & peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now