unrequited love p.2 (tom holland)

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you woke up calmly, it was two days later and tonight was your date with tom. he hasn't told you where or even what you two were doing, all he said was to dress 'formally casual', like you had any idea what that even meant.

you were nervous, to say the least. you'd been waiting for this date with tom for a while now, and you'd never imagined it actually happening.

you rolled out of bed sluggishly and made your way to the door and into the hallway. walking near to the kitchen door you heard tom on facetime with what sounded like his mum.

"you've asked her on a date?" she sounded amazed.

"yeah, i did. it's just-" he started, being cut off.

"what, honey?" his mum said through the phone.

"i'm scared i won't feel that way towards her and she will move out, she's my best friend," he admitted. you didn't know if you should just walk away and spare your feelings if this conversation turned south. you decided to stay, regardless.

"well, tom. that's the perfect reason not to be scared. you tell the girl everything, let her know what you're thinking,"

he nodded and hummed a 'yeah' at his phone, his mum continued. "i might as well be honest with you, the family has been taking bets on when you both will get together."

you smiled to yourself, and tom gasped. "what?"

"honey, the weird dramatic, sexual, whatever tension you two have going on, it's noticeable by more than just her." she laughed.

"and no one decided to tell me?" he snorted into the phone.

"to be quite honest, we thought you were both aware. you should work on picking up hints, i have a feeling it'll work out. a mother knows,"

you decided to walk into the kitchen at that and tom quickly said goodbye to his mum and hung up. "maybe i wanted to say hi!" you playfully push him and open the fridge to get a water.

he laughed slightly and propped himself up on the counter. "she had things to do, some," he hesitated, "motherly...things..?"

"okay, weirdo," you retorted, shutting the fridge.

"be ready by 6, by the way!" he shouted at you as you left the kitchen.

"got it!" you shouted back, returning to your room.


6 o'clock felt like it would never come, but as the big hand struck the 6 you heard a faint knock on your bedroom door.

you opened it to a handsomely dressed tom. "i'm here to pick you up for our date," he said jokingly.

"we live in the same apartment, i appreciate the effort," you smiled.

his form of 'formally casual' was black jeans, a white t-shirt and a jean jacket. his hair was perfectly scrunched up to look curly. you loved his hair that way, and told him every chance you got.

you decided to ruff up his hair, and he pushed your arms away. "you arse," he laughed at you, proceeding to do the same thing.

"oh, and put this on." he said, pulling his arms out from behind his back and scrunched up in his hand was a bandana.


"as a heart attack," he smiled. you sighed, taking the bandana from his hands and lifting it to cover your eyes.

"oh, here lemme help you." he whispered, rushing behind you to tie the back of the bandana.

he swiftly grabbed your hand and started dragging you down the hallway. you've held hands with him before, but never like this. you're fingers were interlocked with his, his hand was much bigger than yours, quite sweaty too.

imagines ; tom holland & peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now