spiderman is missing, we need the avatar!| (peter parker)

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((hi :) in this imagine you have superpowers! based on avatar the last air bender, you obtain all the skills of the avatar. ie the elements! enjoy :))

you rounded the corner quietly. seeing nothing but machines and hard metal flooring you kept moving. the sound of the machines around you kept your movement silent. at the end of the hallway stood a large door. you quickly hid behind some boxes that were placed at the right of the door and waited.

just as you had thought this might take forever you heard someone come from down the hall, their footsteps echoing in the dark corridors. they approached the door slowly, reaching into their pocket for a key to unlock it, which is when you snuck around the boxes and behind the guard.

not giving him a minute to even realize you were there you jabbed your finger into the pressure points on his body, immobilizing him. "thank you," you aid cheerfully, reaching down to grab his key from his hand. you used the key on the door and it opened with a buzz and a green light from the keypad.

you moved forward, nervous about what you might see. you hadn't seen peter in four weeks since he was captured. it had taken four weeks for you, may, and ned to figure out what happened to him.

you knew he was captured but as you walked down the hallway, you saw cage after cage. the size for a large dog, barley enough room for a human. you took a breath to calm down before moving on.

you reached the end of a long hallway and hear mumbling down the hall beside you. you peeked around the corner and saw three guardsmen chatting in the corridor. you turned back and leaned your head against the wall.

"you got this," peter being your motivation, you walked into the middle of the hallway and round the corner.

"hey!" one of the guards shouted, pulling out his gun.

you took a deep breath in and centered yourself. you then thrust all of that air out of your lungs, hurdling the guard all the way up against the wall, thirty feet away. the other guards grabbed their weapons as well.

you moved to the side, dodging their bullets, reaching for your water pouch, and unscrewed the top. you motioned your hand over the opening and took the water out, balancing it in front of your face before slicing the necks of the guardsmen with it.

they fall to the ground and you take your water back before sprinting down the hall. another door was at the end of it.

the entire time you were sprinting down the hallway you couldn't help but think what had happened to peter in these four weeks. you were nervous to see him if he was hurt in any way or if he was already-

don't think like that, you thought. you reached the door and you took the water back out of your pouch and wrapped it around the lock and freezing it. after it was frozen, you stood back a bit. centering yourself before taking a step forward and shoved your arm forward sending air right at the lock. it broke down and you were able to open the door.

you kicked in the door and scanned the room for anyone that was there, including peter. you didn't see anyone but thought it was odd that there were guardsmen but nothing to guard. so you decided to look around. when nothing seemed suspicious you decided a different source of action.

you called ned.

"ned, there's nothing in here. it's just a room with a couch, tv, and a table between them."

"remember he would be somewhere he can't have any control. it would be small and not lit. they don't want him to be able to use his powers." ned said into your ear.

imagines ; tom holland & peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now