Chapter Eight

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Literally I'm really sorry about this chapter, I've just been so stressed lately. I've been really frustrated and stuff with my mom because she was always so upbeat and happy and healthy and I can see her growing tired already.

Thanks for the sweet messages so far guys, it means a lot(:

Song Recommendation:
Wait by M83

Chapter Eight

Days In Neverland: 6

I'm absolutely appalled. I'm dismayed and enraged.

Pan made it clear to both Kian and I that we can't be together anymore. I find it disheartening, especially to have my only friend here blocked off. Right when I felt sort of okay, despite the tyrannical rules and conditions, the carpet was ripped out from under my feet.

It's pitiful, how I've always dreamt Neverland was an enchanting place. You never grow up, I heard. Which, indeed is true, but I'd trade my youth for happiness. The promise of merriment is a lie. It's such a lie.

Perhaps, maybe it's only half-true. The only one having fun here is Pan. And Oliver. Or maybe he's a walking mask, but about him I couldn't care less.

All I can conclude is Neverland is worse than home. It's worse than my head. Because at home, it's all in my head. But here, it's everywhere. I live my nightmares. And one of them could possibly be living on Dream Shade Path.

Pan didn't waste time hopping to his new regulation, making good and well sure that Kian and I kept our distance. From first light, he was on my heels, keeping a bitter, keen, watch on him and I. It was obnoxious, but I didn't step out of line and test him, for Kian's sake.

Up until training, it was just intense eye contact and the heart-rending moments when our contact broke.

However, I had to continue training practice, despite my distress.

Today we were using the automatic bows, the ones that hung loosely in the trees with automatic triggers instead of drawing back. I, unfortunately but to no surprise, had issues with mine.

I sat in the grass about ten feet from my target, getting frustrated and discouraged at the bow.

"How the hell do I use this thing," I muttered, repeatedly jabbing my finger on the arrow point every time I tried to fit it through the notch.

I looked down at Kian; he was already shooting. Shooting from two targets away, shooting with perfect form and still only impaling the outer rings. I wanted to help him, but I'm afraid even watching him for too long would get me condemned.

My heart did pirouettes when I looked at him. And somehow, I got the hunch that his flickered a little too.

But, of course, I couldn't have contentment here, so I stared dead-beat at my bow and arrow.

Finally, after several minutes, I got the arrow into the notch and I stood up to shoot. I backed up, listening to the grass bend under my feet and the whiz of other arrows snapping into their corresponding targets. All that I ignored, of course.

I held the weapon up, immediately caught off guard by the fact it was so much heavier than the regular bows. I scrunched my nose and angled it up against my shoulder, looking through the little hole on top to see where it was lined. My finger wiggled atop the trigger, choosy on whether to push or not.


"It's backwards, angel," Pan whispered against my ear. My lungs froze as I jumped and faced him. He stood, with his head cocked slightly to the left, biting his lip like proving me wrong was the funniest thing.

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