14 | she's freaking beautiful

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april 15, 2017

i slowly open my eyes as someone is shaking my shoulders gently.

"we're here." corbyn says as he pushes the door open and jumps out. i grab my bag and i get out of the car. i put my phone and my headphones in my bag.

when logan and jeff said we were filming at a museum they were kidding. we're basically filming in a little place by a bunch of apartments and stores.

all of the boys are out of the car. logan is paying the uber right now. i start heading into the place first

i open the door and i look around to see people running around and setting up. i automatically go find the dressing room to get ready. i find it after wondering around. the setting was really cool and modern which i liked a lot. the set was white with painting on the walls. there were frames on the wall that had a green screen in it. on the far side of the set there was a food buffet which is probably for lunch. camera equipment was everywhere along with actors.

i finally found the room and i was greeted by my stylist.

"hi i'm lara your stylist!" she says with excitement.

"i'm lana it's nice to meet you." i say

"you too and are you ready to get glammed up today?" she says as she gets her makeup supplies ready. i looked around the room and there was 2 more stylist behind her.

i nod my head.

"great if you could just sit here that would be great." she points to a chair in of a mirror. i set my bag on the floor next to my chair and i sit on the chair which was quite comfortable.

"so toda-"

suddenly all of the boys walk in and the other 2 stylist greet them and lead them to the other chairs. as they walk past me they wave their hands and i smile back.

"like i was saying logan wants you to have a casual night out makeup look so that's what i'm going to do and i'm also just gonna curl your hair and that's i- or and your outfit is in the rack over there."

after a few moments of lara getting her supplies ready she starts.

20 minutes later lara is finally done with my makeup. she blends my eyeshadow one last time before placing her brush down.

"okay i'm done!"

i open my eyes and i'm in awe. the makeup looks so good. it makes my eyes sparkle and my eyebrows look really good.

"thank you so much lara i love it." i say as i turn to her and stand up.

"no problem. now let's get you in your outfit and then we'll do hair."

i walk over to the rack as i grab my outfit which was really cute.

it was a white off the shoulder shirt with a pair of blue jeans and heels.

i go to the restroom to change into my outfit. overall i think i looked pretty good.

i walk back in and all of the boys wide eyes land on me.

zach wolf whistles and everyone else just smiles and compliments me.

"you look great marino!"

"you look pretty."

"she's not just pretty guys she's freaking beautiful cmon now."

"thanks guys." i say as i blush and i walk back to my chair.

"ready for your hair." lara asks as she plugs in the curling wand into the wall.

i nod my head and she puts heating protection hair spray on. a few minutes later she starts to curl my hair.

if you guys couldn't tell i changed my theme...again anyways i also changed my title to spooky cindy because halloween is coming rapidly.

make sure to vote + comment your thoughts on this chapter!
                                  XOXO SPOOKY C 🎃

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