26 | studs

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april 16, 2017
11:02 am

i step out of the uber and onto the hot and steaming streets of L.A.

i look up at the sign placed in front of the restaurant.


I walk into the Gesso and i'm immediately in awe. the windows are tinted in different colors with a black border. all of the tables are wooden and the booth cushions are purple. there's a bar in the far backside of the room. the area is mostly vacant with tables and wine glasses flipped upside down on them. i turn to my left and i see ally sitting at a table. i walk over to her and once i'm a few feet away she looks up from her menu with a smile. she stands up and wraps her arms around me. i hug her back.

"lana i've missed you so much!" she exclaims while swaying from side to side.

"i've missed you too ally cat!" we let go of each other and we sit down.

"it's been so long ugh." she rolls her eyes playfully.

"i should've called earlier so we could hang out sooner." i stated as my eyes roam through the menu.

ally looks up from her menu with huge eyes like they're going to fall off.

i give her a questioning look.

"when did you first get here!" she exclaims.

"like a few days ago?" i say questionably.

she sighs.

a waitress comes to our table.

"hello i'm audrey and i'll be taking your orders today!" she's looking down but as soon as she looks up her mouth drops and her eyes go big.

ally and i both look at each other with weird looks.

"yo-you're lana m-marino! oh my gosh i can't believe i am serving one of the best singers in the world!" she starts jumping up and down like a frog. a few customers around us start staring at our direction toward the audrey with a weird look.

"hey hey calm down. it's just me." i reassure her by putting my hand on her arm which seems to calm her down. she takes a few deep breathes.

"i'm so sorry it's just i've never met anyone famous." audrey starts rubbing the back of her neck.

"it's okay." i reply.

"i need to get back to my job so what would you two like to drink?" audrey reaches into her back pocket and grabs a notepad and a pen.

"i'll have an ice tea." ally responds.

"and i'll have a latte."

audrey scribbles onto her notepad. "i'll be back in a few moments with your drinks!" she yells. she turns around and literally skips away.

i let out a sigh.

ally gives me the are you serious look.

"what?" i ask her.

"lana don't let out a sigh! she's a fan." she reasoned.

"well i obviously love my fans but i didn't expect her to scream plus i barely have any." i roll my eyes playfully.

"okay if dave franco were to walk into this restaurant right now what would you do?" she asks intently.

"probably sit here, stare him down until he leaves, and debate for 12 hours whether i should go up to him and talk to him. wait scratch that, i would probably be daydreaming of him walking up to me and saying he knew me but you know dreams don't come true." i reply truthfully which causes ally to start laughing and leading me to laugh along.

audrey comes back with our drinks and sets them down. she takes her notepad back out and smiles greatly at us.

"now what would you like from our menu?" she asks.

"i think i'll have the two basted eggs." i spoke.

"the sugo pizza please." ally states.

audrey writes them down and picks up the menus.

"i'll be back shortly with your meals." this time she walks back.

"so tell me why you're here 3 months early and what you've been doing here." ally marveled.

i turn my head back to ally after watching audrey disappear into the doors of the kitchen.

"well i'm here because i got hired to sing in a song and to see if i can up my game here since it's california." i reply.

"wait you got hired to be featured in a song! that's amazing lana!" she exclaims.

i smile cheerfully.

"i remember the first time you came here, all we did was sing covers. well you mostly sang i danced." she added.

i chuckle rethinking the old good memories i had here in california.

"the song is actually coming out tonight!" i say with delight.

"really! what's the name?" she asks.

"it's called something different but i sadly couldn't write my own pa-"

suddenly ally's hand clutches on my arm and her eyes go wide.

"oh..my..gosh! hotties at 8 o'clock!"

i turn my head and my mouth drops.

walking in is the infamous why don't we boys.

i immediately turn around and i freeze hoping they don't notice me. why don't i want them to notice me? i have no idea!

"lana.. is there something you're not telling me?" ally questions.

i pause.

"well those might haven been the boys i'm also singing with in the song." i say slowly.

"wait! what! you're singing with 5 studs and you didn't even care to tell me that part!" she whisper yells.

"to be honest you didn't ask." i respond.

she groans but suddenly she starts to grin. oh no.

"well lana marino since you know them why don't i invite them to sit with us." she smirks.

"that's not necessary." i say worriedly.

"what's the name of the one with the curly hair?" she asks.

i immediately reply back. "not telling you."

"i will show all of them the pictures of you when you had a bull haircut when you were younger." she threatens.

"okay okay his name is jack." i sigh knowing that i'm totally going to regret saying his name.

she smiles in triumph and stands up to walk over to them. i sigh again while putting my head into my hands.

out of all places to go to they had to go to this one! are you serious! i bet this was jonah's or zach's idea! UGH!

i really like this chapter! p.s. this is a real restaurant and the names for the food are real. but anyways make sure to vote + comment your thoughts on this chapter!
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- XOXO C <3

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