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Louis had seen the way Harry ran out and was so utterly confused but just sat and waited till he came back. In the meantime, he called Mark to see what he was up to because he was so bored and plus, Mark would be upset if he didn't call.

"Hey, babe." He mutters into the phone, not really wanting to talk to him.

"Wow, you sound so excited to talk to me." Mark chuckled through the phone and Louis pursued his lips and snorted.

"I know. Can't you tell?" He asked with a small smile. He liked when Mark wasn't mean.

Mark let out a loud laugh and shook his head even though he wasn't seen. They spent the next few minutes talking amiably before things started to go down heel.

Harry had come back 10 minutes later after a heated conversation with Niall about what the fuck he should do.

"Why were you thinking about marking up his thighs!?" Niall screeched, still playing his game. He had no idea why Harry would set himself up for a boner at his crush's house.

"It's not my fault Ni! He's freaking irresistible and so, soo gorgeous in his outfit! He's wearing the tightest freaking shorts and the cutest sweater ever! His heavenly thighs are showing and you expect me not to look at such beauty!?" Harry huffed on the phone, pouting.

"Man, the only thing I can tell you is firstly, stop being a perve. Secondly, just think of something gross." Niall told him, used to Harry's rants about Louis.

"Ugh, fine. Thanks," Harry said back and Niall promptly hung up. Harry rolled his eyes at the rudeness, "Fooking Irish idiot." He mumbled. He ended up thinking about his grandmother showering, he shivered and gagged at the thought; making his boner successfully go down.

He now watched him from a bean bag chair in the far corner of Louis' room, sweating up nerves and his leg shaking but he hid it well by forming funny faces at Louis because Louis kept glancing at him. Which only made him even more nervous and self-conscious but, he hid it even better.

"So, what are you doing, love?" Mark asked him. Louis was calm, happy that Mark hasn't made one snide comment to him. It made him think that he was overreacting and Mark is really a good boyfriend. Wrong.

He kept looking at Harry, how could he not? He was beautiful. The older boy giggled at the atrocious face Harry made..though he thought he still looked quite beautiful to him. Mark is right on the phone with him and he's checking another boy out. Shame.

"I'm-" Louis was cut off with a sharp tone came from Mark.

"Are you with someone?" He asked. Louis hesitated. "Uh, yeah. A friend. We were supposed to be doing a project for school." He muttered, casting his eyes down and away from Harry's concerned eyes. Why was he concerned anyway?

Mark was angry over the phone and snorted, "A project? Right, every slut uses that excuse! Couldn't you have come up with something better, damn cheat!" He yells in the phone and Louis flinched, a deeply embedded frown on his face, confused and catching whiplash at how everything quickly escalated.

Harry saw this and immediately stood up to come to his aid because he could literally hear him yell from the bean bag chair.

"I-I'm not lying, Mark!" He stated and stands up too, turning away from Harry. Harry takes a deep silent breath and taps his shoulder, internally screaming at the touch because it was heavenly bliss.

"Hang up," he whispered to the boy, super upset that he was getting yelled at.

Louis bit his tongue as Mark cursed him out, "If I was cheating on you, don't you think I'd be a bit smarter and wouldn't CALL you?" He asked him. To which Mark replied that he was an idiot and didn't know what to expect.

sticky notes. l.s auWhere stories live. Discover now