Season 2

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Once you got upstairs you got on your phone and texted Kaylee.

Y/N: My mom said yes, so be ready by 1:15

Kaylee: Yessss! Okay see you later✌️

Y/N:Later ✌️️

You decided to get in the shower to be clean for the audition. Once you got out and changed you did your hair and brushed your teeth. After all that it was now 1:10 so you texted Kaylee to see if she was ready.

Y/N: You ready?

Kaylee: ya, you nervous?

Y/N: Ya, be there in 5

Kaylee: K

You ran downstairs to see your mom waiting for you in the car. You got in and started driving to Kaylee's house. Once you arrived she was waiting for you outside so she hopped in the back and you were on your way. While you were driving the nervousness just kicked in and you stared Freaking out, rambling... Y/N:" What if they don't like me!!!! What if they think I'm ugly!! What if".. Kaylee cut me off by saying Kaylee:" Y/N, your beautiful and your going to do great!" You felt a little better knowing you had your best friends support. Y/N: "Thanks Kaylee I'm so glad to have a friend like you" Kaylee: " Aww same" You looked back ahead and saw it, the building to make or break you.. You got out of the car and started walking in followed by Kaylee and your mom. You walked up to the desk and said Y/N: I'm here to audition for STRANGER THINGS season 2.. The receptionist nodded and handing you something to fill out, you gladly took it  and sat down next to Kaylee with your mom on the other side. You filled out everything stood up and walked over to the lady and handed it to her. She smiled and took it. You went back, sat down and just waited. You ended up waiting for about 45 minutes. Then, another lady came in and asked for you. the lady: Y/N Y/L/N  you stood up and followed her.. you looked back at your mom and Kaylee and they were smiling giving you the thumbs up. Once you turned a corner and walked pass like 6 doors she opened one to reveal a stage, a camera and 3 people sitting with papers. She sat next to them and you walked as confidently as possible up on the stage. They asked the normal stuff like Name, age blah blah blah and then they handed you the script and someone acted with you to help get into the scene. Once you finished you looked at there astonished faces and felt proud but you didn't get to exited. One lady spoke up and said :"Great job, we will let you know by this week if your invited for callbacks. She smiled and opened the door for me and I walked out and back to the lobby. I saw my mom and Kaylee and they lit up seeing my happy smile. Kaylee:" How did you do?!!!" Y/N:" I don't know, they said they would let me know if I'm invited for call backs by this week" Kaylee:" You sure you can wait that long it's only Friday lol?" Y/N: " Hopefully but who knows?" You both laughed and walked back to the car. You all got in and drove off. You dropped off Kaylee and went home. It was now 5 and you were tired so you went up and starting rewatching season one of Stanger Things to get exited if you do get the part. You ended up falling asleep by 9 on episode 7.. You woke up at around 10 you sat up and sighed 2 days to go till you know if you got it..

Yup another Long chapter
I get so caught up writing this lol

Sincerely: The Author❤️

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