The Day..❤️

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Previously ..Jack:"Guys, I'm hungry!"
After that you hear a bunch of me too's and Yeahs. After minutes of arguing on what to eat you decide on Taco Bell. Finn's dad comes out of his room from his nap and offers to take you guys. You all get in his car. You next to Millie and Millie next to Caleb. Noah next to Gaten and Jack next to Finn. After the car ride you get to Taco Bell and jump out of the car. You walk inside and order. After ordering you all squeeze at a table. It ended up you next to Jack and Noah, Millie next to Finn and Caleb and Gaten pulled up a chair. You just followed each other on everything and created a group chat that you stupidly named.."The Squad🔥" After minutes of texting each other emojis. The food is brought to your table and you all separate it. When Noah was reaching for his Taco he bumped you into Jack and your head ended up right in front of his. You stared into his eyes before moving over and apologizing. Y/N:"I'm so sorry, Noah pushed me" (Said Jokily glaring at Noah) Jack:"It's okay, I don't mind" You just smile at each other till Finn throws your Taco at you and everyone laughs. While eating you learn a lot more about everyone and share a lot of funny moments. After eating, you decide to go your separate ways. You guys walk outside and say your goodbyes, you end up hugging everyone except Jack because he was still in Taco Bell going to the bathroom. Everyone left and you decided to stay and wait for Jack. You stood on your phone till the door opened and you saw Jack. He walked up to you. Jack:"Why didn't you leave yet?" Y/N:"I was waiting for you" Jack:"Thanks but you didn't have to" he said with a smile that sent chills down your back. Y/N:"It's okay" Jack:"Well since you waited for me I'm gonna walk you home, if that's okay?" Y/N:"Sure" you said laughing. You started walking and he asked a lot of questions. But you happily answered and asked him questions back. Jack:"So how are liking the cast?" Y/N:" I think I have definitely found my place" he laughed Jack:"Yeah there great" you just smiled. He stopped you, grabbed your hands, he was in front of you. Jack:"Look Y/N when you first walked in I knew I had to make you mine and even if you reject me now I won't stop trying... EVER and I just wanted to ask you Y/N Y/L/N Will you go out with me?" You were speechless and Blushing. You just kept smiling and answered Y/N:"Yes, I would love to". Jack:" Great! How about 5? Movies?" (Yeah yeah classy but who cares it's cute) Y/N:"Sure sounds great!" He smiled happily and held your hand and you held back. You continued walking and finally arrived at your house. You stopped. Y/N:"This is me" Jack:"Okay, see you at five" he kissed your cheek as you let go of his hand and he walked away. You went in feeling all tingly and happy. You sat on the couch watching Tv when your mom noticed. Y/M:" Why you so smiley?" She said smirking Y/M:"I don't know, I'm just happy.. Y/M:"Okay, whatever you say.... anyways how was your day?" Y/N:"Great!" Y/M:"That good, mine was good too.. thanks for asking" she said laughing. You went upstairs to take a relaxing bath. After the bath you realize the time and that you were in there for like 3 hours. It's 4:07 you freak out and rush around until you find an outfit and change into it...

 It's 4:07 you freak out and rush around until you find an outfit and change into it

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You straighten your hair and brush your teeth. You run downstairs. Y/M:" Where you going looking all cute?" Y/N:"I have a......a date." Y/M:" You do?!" Y/N:"yeah and he should be here soon..if you want to.." Y/M:"Of course I'll meet him!"She cut me off. After her squeal you hear a knock on the door and get kinda nervous. Your mom relaxes you and you get up to go get it. You open the door to a casual yet nice dressed Jack and he smiles at you. Jack:"Wow... you look breathtaking." You smile and reply Y/N:"Thanks you look very handsome." Your mom comes up behind you and smiles. Y/N:"Mom this is Jack, Jack this is my mom." Jack:"Hi" Y/M:"You can call me Y/M/N." Y/N:" Okay mom we should get going.." Y/M:" okay have a great time" Y/N:"Thanks we will" Jack just smiled and you took his hand walking out the door. You both were hand in hand walking to the movie theatre. You got there and split it. He bought the tickets without telling you the movie while you bought the snacks. He covered your eyes into the room, you got in and sat in the back and got settled. Y/N:"Why can't you tell me what movie we're watching?" Jack:" It's a surprise!" Y/N:" Okay" you both just watched the previews and then it started. You were very into it when you saw him, you saw the very handsome boy in the movie. He was the same boy sitting next to you right now. You turned to him and he just laughed. Y/N:" You play Eddie?" Jack:"Yeah" Y/N:" Wow your an amazing actor" Jack:"Thanks" Y/N:" I can't believe I'm sitting next to you, I'm so lucky!" Jack:" I know I'm awesome" he said smirking you just laughed and continued watching. You rested your head on his shoulder and took his hand. After lots of jumps, laughs and aww's you stood up and walked out. You were still hand in hand. A few people ran up and asked jack for pictures and autographs but he never took his eyes off you. How lucky am I? You asked your self walking into the bathroom. You did your business, washed your hands and walked out to Jack talking to this girl, she was so pretty and you felt jealous. Jack saw you and pulled you over to her. He Introduced you guys. Jack:"Ellie this is my.......friend Y/N, Y/N this is Ellie." You shook her hand. You did not want to be there right now. Y/N:"Jack, I have to go... uh.. my mom came to get me, she is waiting for me outside." Jack:"Okay, see ya later" he didn't even look at me, he just kept looking at Ellie. You walked off very annoyed. You went outside and since you lied about your mom being there you walked.. alone. You walked home crying, maybe I'm not so lucky.

How do you like it? There will definitely be more drama FYI.... I'll try to update more and feel free to tell me if I made any spelling errors or if you have an idea about the book!

Sincerely The author❤️

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