Despise Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Wee- ooo wee- ooo!

The sound of distant sirenes threw us all off gaurd. "Run" said the boss.

The next thing I know there's a big bright light shining towards me and everything went white.

"Wake up! wake up wake up!" Ugh my head.

He sounded like a broken record replaying itself over and over. No offence to the guy.

Woah! I open my eyes and was completely blinded by his beauty. For a cop I think he was pretty good lookin'!

I even saw smoke radiating from his body, but maybe it was the fog it does that to ya.

"Ugh." Was all I managed to say, what a lame-o.

"Phew miss. At least we know you ain't dead. I thought for sure that your pretty lil self woulda broken something in that fall of yours." What, i fell? And Woah.

His southern accent was so deep but I guess I shoulda exected that I do live in Texas.

Where everything is bigger and by the looks of him defenetly better.

Ohk, now enough about the cop get it together. I told myself.

"Uh, sir? Where am I?" wow I sounded horrible. I need water.

"Well shouldn't I be askin u that. Out alone at night in your night dress are we?"

He said with one eyebrow perked dup. Defently sexy. Just saying.

"Uhm. Well sir I just thought of taking an evnings stroll, I didn't realize it had gotten so late.

I'll leave right now" I said. Please don't follow me. Please plaese please I kept chanting.

I can't get into anymore trouble I promised mom for dads sake. But like I give a rats ass about him.

"Well miss Im sorry but your under questioning."

Dammet. "About?" I said with fake confusion.

"About those men that were out to get you. What did they want." He said looking concerned.

"They wanted me." I said matter of factly.

"Yes miss we know but why" he sounded a little impatient now.

"Well uhm.." Gosh was my head hurting. "They said something a bout

the basement and that I was their key to expanding it."

The moment those word escaped my lips the cop went blue and called for

Jay who was a big and very stuning with light brown eyes.

They whipsered to each other glancing back at me every so often.

Oh man what do I do now, but maybe it's not that bad. Woo. Take a deep breath.

By the time I calmed down I was already in the back of the cop car. We only exganged words once and that was to know my house address. Oh boy, should i run for it? But as soon as i thought it, all thoughts vanished as i saw my red bricked house on the conner of the street. well, so much for that idea.

Jay knocked exactly three times. My mom, with her robe wrapped tightly around her looked surpisingly to me and back to the cops then her expression changed from shock to looking very pissed off.

"Mam" Jay said "it's not what you think"

The word 'WHAT' was written on both of our faces.

"Then what is this about? I'm not arrested?" i said with a sigh of relif.

"What brings you here then officer?" she said pretty calmly.

"Well it's about 'the basement'." he said sternly. Now she also went blue and told me to get inside. What is this basement about, and why can't i hear it?!

Now I'm really confused. What is my mom and Mr. Jay not telling me? It's not like her to keep secerets from me. She tells me everything, so whats so different about this?

I got tired of waiting after a couple of minutes, so guess what i decided to do. I queitly tip toed as quietly as possible. "Meow"

"Ahh!" I yelped. "Oh gosh kitty what are you doing scaring people?" All he did was stare and walked away.

So much for queitly. I quickened my pase towards the window just in time to hear Mr. Jay say " .. well then, she leaves tonight."

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