Despise Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"it can't be.." i thought, but instead I saw two heads looking at me with confused faces.

What did you say dear? Laurie said still looking a bit confused.

Shit. Did I say that out load?

"I said ca.. Can wait get to know each other!" I saw willium raise a brow but ignored him and waited for lauries response.

She bought it. "Well if there is anything you need I'm just a yell away." she shut the door.


Now it's just me and him.

"What's cookin good lookin." he said looking all smug. Haha....

"Cocky much? "

He just smiled in response.

"Yeah, she should leave before laurie comes back." I said pointing under the bed. "I dont think she would like míss pink stilettos over there."

"Oh what are you talking about?" Trying to act confused with his fake expression.

"Well who cares. I'll sleep in the bath tub, i'm just dying to know comfturable will Smith felt in his last movie." My voice was just dripping with sarcasm and attitude.

I didnt wait to hear his reply i just grabbed a pillow off the bed and scurried of towards his restroom.

Sometime around 9 in the morning.

I thought I was going to wake up with a stif neck from sleeping in the tub. But surprisingly it was soft comfy war- wait..

A tub wasn't suppose to feel like that. I looked around. i was in a bed, but how'd i get here? I ran my fingers through my hair. Something sticky caught my attention. It was a sticky note with beautiful cursive hand writting on it. ' sorry about last nite' willium.

Aww. Did he really care? What did he mean sorry? Hmm...

I stapped back yo reality, and sat up on the bed. im still in williums room but whered willium?

I know no boy in there right mind durning summer break was going to wake up before 12 unless they had too. I have 7 brothers and sisters, I know how it is.

A loud snor inturupted my thoughts. I looked around The room. Maybe im imaginging things.

Snor. Is that me? I looked down at my stomach. Am I that hungry?

Snor! Then there it was again. It didn't sound like my stomach.

It sounded like it was comming from The floor. I Hung my gead Over The side of The bed but still nothing. Just when i was about to get up i saw him curled under his bed. So cute and innocent looking. I cant Belive he carried me onto The bed and he slept on The gard wooded for, without a blanket!

He turned onto his other side and i guess he realized I was staring and shot his head straight up, hitting his head in the process. Ouch.

What The -?! As Soon as he saw me laughing he stopped mid sentence. He just stared and walked out The room. Hmmm.. Did i hurt his feelings?

I Hope not.

Grumble grumble. I looked down again at my stomach. I guess that's my cue to get some comida.( food )

I ran down stairs tripping at the last step and almost fell but someone caught me.

It was Willium again.

"Klutz" he snorted and pushed me as he walked away.

Gosh what The fudge is his problem?

Is he pissed off about earlier? Shrug it off Carolina he's not worth it

He's not the same, everything I thought I knew about him was a fucking lie.

Do all people make up lies in the Internet? Of course they do, I answered myself. Gosh poor gulable me.

I walked slowly into the kitchen and made sure I wasn't anywhere near willium.

The rest of the morning went real fast. I played with vanity jessicas little girl. She's 2 and adorable; with light brown almost yellow eyes, black hair, peach colored skin and two dimples. She's so huggable!

"Car!" she squewled as I picked up and spinned her.

" hi mamas what's up?"

" mama an dada kiss" she said making smoochy lips.

"really? How about we make cookies?"

" uh yea!!"

"Ohk let's go" I crabbed her hand and set her on the table.

We let the cookies cook and went to the bathroom to get cleaned. Once we were out she practicly screamed saying

"Let eat cookiess!"

"Ohk ohk. hold on viny let me

Ake the out so they can cool off." she looked sad.

"No cookie?"

Aww dang her and her adorableness.

"Yup cookies! But go tell mama the cookies ready so she can have some too yeah?"

Her face lit up immediately. Ohk!

She hurried off to go tell mama.

This will let the cookies cool off a bit.

She returned with Jessica and Greg, her boyfreind. We ate and laughed I had a good time. Jessica said thanks for helping her with viny, and I replied anytime.

By the time I cleaned up it was 11:30 pm. Woah. Time flew. Ugh now to face willium, again.

He was on the floor with an I pod in hand. He was listening to one of my favorite songs hero by skillet. He was actually singing to it too. Not bad.

I laughed.

He turned around still singing, but he didn't look embarrased.

"Hey that's one of my favorite songs."

" yeah I know it says so in your iPod." did he just say MY iPod?

" what? Who gave you permition-

" no one madame. Keep it down vanitys sleeping. And don't worry I didn't look at anything but the music. Well surprisingly we like the same songs, weired. Guess your not all bad."

Was that a complimant?

"well I'm gunna hit the hay you want bed or floor?" I asked.

"Floor." he replied immediately. "Girls don't sleep on floors, or bathtubs for that matter." he said emphizising bathtubs.

I laughed.

"Well here's a blanket and a pillow."

We were both about to settled when Laurie walked in. " good news you two are going to the mall tomorrow! Just the two of you cause I have work and Jessi with baby and my hus-"

" it's cool Laurie, thank you but I don't want to ruin any of williums plans. I'm fine really."

"You won't be ruining any thing. I'm free " he said with a look in his eyes that made me wonder why was he agreeing. I know where not buddy buddy and stuff. Hmm. He's brewing up something in that mind of his.

"Well then it's settled. Get some sleep and be ready in the morning"

"Can't wait." I murmmered.

"What was that? I hope your just a excited as I am"

" and why us that?"

" because I get to get some clothes and Cindy doesn't hve to sneak on my room tommorrow, we can just meet at the mall." he winked.

So that's why he agreed so egerly. What a man whore!

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