Despise Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Summer! Yeah, the only draw back is summer school. Yeah... Grr. Who invented summer school anyways? Didn't it use to be something fun, like way back in the day? The boring grey colored walls, the monotone voiced techers i mean like really whoin the world hires a teacher whos voice sounds like a robot? i guess it's justme, but it creeps me out.

Anyways I just signed up for a myyearbook,it's likeeharmony for teens. I like it so far; You make friends, meet new people, rate and battle other peoples pictures, send flirts and see your compatabilty with that person. I love it, I even made a cool new friend, his namesWillium. Hes amazing, hey i know what your thinking, 'another girl crushing over a guy'. Heck no! me and himare strickly freinds.He says he doesn't care much for food, loves cold weather, he lives in washington, is bi and loves escape the fate and mayday parade,and etc. I found out we have a lot in common. It feels likea great start to a great summer!

Hahaha, yeah right. Thats what i thought about two months ago.

Things were going good till ... Well I found out while I was in summer school my new friend Williumwas getting into all sorts of trouble. Drugs, fights, sex you name it he was doin it. Damn. And I tried to help, I really did but every time i asked he pushed it away and tried to talk about something else. Then one day I got tiered of ignoring whatever was happening and told him straight up whats the matter.

He didn't reply, not for a long time. Even in summer school he was all i could think about; i failed 2/3 of my tests.

I tried to not let it bother me but it did.Ithink it wasbecause I kinda liked him, but oh well, I guess we don't always get a happy little ending. Then one day when I come home from summer school we start IMing each other. We caught up about stuff that we missed out on each other in the last couple of weeks, but he still never told me what was really bothering him. I was so happy,surprised and confused at the same time, but mostly happy. I couldnt belive he was acually talking to me. After about 3 hours of talking I finally get the chance to ask him whats been happening. One thing leads to another and he says " I don't fawking know you. So will you leave me alone. Like now." what nerve. Really? Wow. I was so pissed I shut down my computer and went to the roof; It's were i go to think. I can't belive he said that after 2 months of nonstop talks with each other. Yeah, sure i truely don't knowhim completely but I know about him. And to say it like that!

That ........!!

Gursh! I know I shouldn't get that upset but, hmm that's what I get for falling for someone I met over the internet right? Ugh how could I have been so stupid?. I decided to take a stroll to get my mind off of things, like cough cough Willium.

15 Minutes Later

I just love the cool brisk air at night after a hot summer day.I walked around not paying attention to where i was going.Somehow my feet lead me to the duck park or so I call it.The scenery at night was just gorgeous; the lake was sparkly, the ducks asleep some floating on the water, and the feild was all foogy from the lake, breath taking. I is a pretty amazing place to come and just relax. Another big crunching sound interupted my thoughts,maybe it's my imaginationagain or, i looked downwas thatmy stomach? Hmm. Maybe it was just me.

Crunch! ohk, now I know that was not my stomach, i'm notTHAT hungry. This was like the 5th time I herd a crunching noise behind me. "But maybe its a cat?" i told my self. But just in case, I quicken my pace and hear two more crunches. ohk! Now I know it's not a cat. So this is when martal arts come in handy and i use my ninja cat skills make a dash to the nearest tree hoping all my way there that my follower didn't see me.

Crunch! crunch!crunch! Thud!

"Ay! Jo watch were ya going ya big dunce!"

"Aw. Sorry Spence I think I lost her."

There was two men. The one called spence was a scrawny lil' fellow with wild brown hair and as tall as a stop sign. The other Jo, was fat and looked like a greasy burger that's been deep fried to much. Yuck!

Spence seemed like the leader, out of the two.

"Whats the boss gunna say bout tis?"

"Say about what?" says a buff, lean muscular guy.

He had deep blue eyes, he looked young,very young. 19 at the most.

Why is he doing something like this?

"Uhhhmmm. Nothing boss we don't say nothin." says jo.


My foots slips.

"Did you hear that?" Says the boss.

"No boss but almost shot me." Jo says scared

"I know, I messed." He said with a smile.

What a horrible crude man. I hope he never finds me.

That reminds me, how is anyone going to find me? I left no note, no one knows where I am. Damn.! What do I do?!

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