Chapter 2: His Name Is Deadpool

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Chapter 2: His Name Is Deadpool

I took off my shoes and rubbed my feet to help them so they wouldn't hurt me that much. I sat on the steps of some apartments for a while. After 5 minutes I put my shoes back on and continued walking home. I pulled out my phone and looked at it. It's about to die, it has 10% of life left. 'Shit' I whispered out. I rushed the rest of the way home. I got to Pine and Maple Street, I stopped at the crosswalk and I checked to see if there were any cars coming. I keep going as I'm crossing the street. I hear voices coming from one of the streets. I quickly look around to see where the voices are coming from, up the street in the dim light I see two figures, it's too dark to get a good look at them.
I keep to the shadows so the 2 people won't see me.
As I get closer to them with the help of the moon and the dim street lights I can tell I can tell the people are both men. One of the men is tall with short hair and wearing all black. The other man was just a bit shorter than the other man, He was also wearing all black but he had a beanie on. As I get closer to them I can get a better look at them. I saw that the tall man had a scar over his eyebrow. The shorter one had a bit of facial hair. I quickly pass them before they can say anything to me. After I pass them I hear one of the men call me but I ignore him. I hear footsteps behind me. 'Are they following me?' I thought to myself as I kept walking. They call out for me again.
"Hey sweetie, want to party with us back at our place?" one of the men said. "No, I'm not in the mood to party." I quickly told them as I kept walking. I was about to make a run for it but before I could one of the men grabbed me and pulled me back. My bag fell when I was pulled and my stuff fell out on the sidewalk. Before I could scream, the guy that is holding me i can tell it's the tall guy
He grabbed me and covered my mouth and pulled my left arm behind my back.
The shorter man gets in front of me/us, he grabs my legs and lifts them/me up. They carry me into a nearby alley. The shorter man starts to undress me. He starts unbuttoning my uniform down to the bottom of my breast. the tall man starts kissing the back of my neck. I feel him start to undo his belt and take it off and use it to tie my hands up. My mouth is free so I scream but my mouth gets covered up by the shorter man. He pulls a bandana from his back pocket and uses it to tie it around my mouth. He starts to undo his belt.
They took me to the end of the alley where no one could see us. They kiss me and touch me all over. I try to break free but they have a strong hold on me. I try my best to make some kind of noise so someone can hear me. The taller one bends me over on a pile of old crates and boxes, the shorter one holds me down. They both start to undo their pants. I start to cry and scream but come out muffled, the shorter man slaps me so I can be quiet. I cry more and try to kick the taller man. I managed to get a few kicks at the taller one and was able to hit him in the dick.
He lets me go and moves back a bit holding on to his dick in pain. The shorter one is shocked by what happened, his hold weakens. He lets go and goes to the taller man to see if he's ok. "Zane (taller one), bro you ok?" the shorter man asked his friend.
"THE BITCH HIT ME IN THE DICK, OF COURSE I'M NOT OK RICK." Zane yelled at his friend. "THAT BITCH IS GOING TO PAY." Zane yells out. I took my chance and
Made a run for it. Rick was too distracted to get me.

Zane (taller man) sees you making a run for it. "RICK THE BITCH IS GETTING AWAY. GO AFTER HER!" Zane yells at Rick while he gets up slowly. Rick sees you running and goes after you. You run down the alley, you turn the corner and you bump into someone. You stumble back and lose your balance.
As you lose your balance you fall and step wrong and twist your ankle. You (muffled) scream in pain. You look at your ankle as you do you see feet in front of you. you follow the feet up the body. When you see who it is you're shocked. It's the man in the red and black suit that you bumped into on your way to the train station. You look at him and he looks at you for a long silent moment. "Well hello there toots. It must be my birthday cause I found my birthday present!" he said happily. "Those are very nice." he says, chuckling. "hmm?" you say confused. You see him look at you but a bit lower. You look down and see what he's seeing. He's looking at your exposed breasts. You didn't have any way to cover up and you forgot for a moment.
Your bra was showing and your boobs were slightly coming out of your bra. You blush in embarrassment, you try to cover up as best as you can but can't. You hear faint voices coming from the alley. You turned around and saw Rick was running up the alley right behind you. "Get back here bitch, you're going to pay what you did to Zane." he yells from the alleyway. You see Zane is right behind Rick holding his dick and the wall for support. Zane was having trouble walking. You smirk at what you did.
'I need to get away from them. they're probably going to kill me this time.' you think to yourself. You turn around to the man and try to tell him to help you. He looks at you and all he says is "hmm? what's that sweet cheeks?". He undoes the bandana around your mouth. "Please help me!" you ask the man in the suit. We hear some yell at us.
"Don't touch her, she's ours!". Rick yells as he rounds the corner of the alleyway. Rick gets to where we are. He stands a few feet away from us. He sees the man in the suit with a confused face. "Who are you and what are you wearing?" Rick asked. "My name is Deadpool." he answered proudly and casually. Deadpool looks at you and looks back at Rick.
Deadpool pulls out a gun from his holster from his right thigh. You move away from him, not sure if he's going to shoot you or not. You look behind you to see and are a few feet away from Rick. He walks closer and looks down at you. He grabs your hair and pulls you up. You let out a scream and try to get a few kicks in him. "Stop kicking you bitch." Rick yells as he pulls my hair more. I scream more. "That's no way to treat a lady you ass." Deadpool commented. "You red suited bastard leave or I'll shoot you. She's ours." Rick told deadpool. "Who is us?" Deadpool asked. Zane rounds the corner after deadpool says that question. "He means me and like he said leave or you're dead." Zane answered. He pulls out a gun from the back of his pants and points it at deadpool. "How about you let her go -pointing at me- and I won't kill you." Deadpool says as he points his gun at Rick. "It's two against one." Rick says. "No shit sherlock." You say quietly. Deadpool laughs at your statement. "Rick pulls my hair for that comment. "I told you to shut up." Rick says. You grunt in pain because of that. 'I'm going to have a massive headache tomorrow and maybe till the following day.' I think about it.
As I was zoning out I felt a shock of pain come through my body. You look down and see the pain is coming from your thigh. You yell out in pain. "What the hell was that for?" Deadpool asked Rick. "She was ignoring me and that was what she did to Zane. "That looks pretty bad." Deadpool said. "How about I end this and we can take care of that stab wound." he said.
"If you shoot me or Rick, the bitch gets it. I say you just walk away, clown." Zane told/ordered Deadpool. "How about no. I'm going to save this damsel in distress." Deadpool said. "It's your funeral clown." Zane said. Zane shoots Deadpool in the head and he falls to the ground.
"Now that the clown is dead, we won't have any more problems. where were we bitch." Rick said as he forced me to look at him.

"Didn't I tell you that's not how you treat a woman?" we heard someone say. "Who the hell said that?" Rick called out. The next thing we see is Deadpool getting up off the floor. We all look at him in disbelief. "How the hell is he alive? I shot him in the head." Zane said out loud. "You did and now I'm going to have a headache for a while." Deadpool told us as he touched his bullet wound. "Shoot him again Zane." Rick told him. Zane shoots him again till he runs out of bullets. All we hear is the click of the gun. "Looks like you're out. My turn." Deadpool says. He points his gun at Rick and shoots him in the head. Blade falls to the floor with a thud letting you go in the process.
"Rick! You bastard!" Zane yelled out. He grabs Rick's knife and throws you to the side and runs at Deadpool. Before he can stab him. Deadpool shoots him and he falls to the floor. "That takes care of them. You or anyone won't have to deal with them anymore." he said out loud. You see him grab them and start dragging them away. "Wait here toots. Going to put the trash where they belong. He goes around the corner and down the alleyway. You just stare at what is happening right now without saying a word.
He throws them into the dumpster and comes back to you. You see he comes back 'dusting' his hands. He comes from around the corner and walks past you to where your stuff is. He picks your stuff up and walks back to you. "Now let's take care of that stab wound." He said as he picked you up bridal style. "Where are you taking me?" you question him. "I'm taking you to my place so I can wrap the wound". He answered.
"Just take me to the hospital." you tell him. "I don't do clinics and hospitals, that's why we're going to my place". He says as he winks at you. You see him wink under his mask. You blush as he winked at you for some reason. You look away. "Hold on or you'll fall sweet cheeks" he said. "my name isn't sweet cheeks" you tell him as you hold on to him. "My name is (Y/N)." you tell him.

-time skip-

You're about to pass out. "we're here sweetcheeks." he says. "That's good. I told you my name isn't sweet cheeks." you respond in a sleeping tone. He unlocks and opens the door. He goes to his room and lays you on his bed. He goes to the bathroom and gets the first aid kit. He heads back to his room and puts out the supplies and takes care of your wound. You hiss a bit as he cleans up your wound. You look at deadpool and give him a quick thank you before you pass out in his bed. "No problem toots." He says and he finishes up and puts the stuff away. He covers you up with a blanket and goes and sleeps on the couch. He changes out of his but keeps his mask on.


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