Chapter 10: Plus One

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*next morning*


I woke up feeling sore after what Wade and I did last night. I looked at Wade, who was still sleeping. I smile and give him a quick kiss on his forehead. I carefully got out of bed and threw on an oversized shirt and underwear. I quietly leave Wade's room. I closed the door softly. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge to see what I can make. I decided to make eggs, bacon, french toast and juice to drink. I get out all the stuff i need to make breakfast. I started to make breakfast. After I finished making breakfast I heard Wade's bedroom door open. I saw him walk into the kitchen and he was dressed in his sweatpants. "Morning sleeping beauty." I say with a chuckle. I walk up to him and give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Morning sweet cheeks." Wade says, kissing me back deeply. "I just finished making breakfast. I was about to wake you up." I tell him as I walk back to the stove. I put the food on the plates. He follows after me and stands behind me. He hugs me from behind. "Breakfast smells good. What did you make?" he says/asks. I made eggs, bacon, french toast and juice." I told him. "Sounds great." he says. We sit down and eat our breakfast. After we eat we pick up the dishes and clean them, I wash them and wade drys them. As we finish the dishes Wade's phone rings. He goes to his room to get his phone and pick it up.

Wade comes out of his room a few minutes later. He's in his red suit and weapons. "I got a call for a job. I'll be back later sweet cheeks". Wade says as he gives me a kiss on the lips. 'hehe i was right it was a call for a job'. I think to myself. Wade heads out and I'm all alone. I clean up and fix up our place.

(time skip) (1 months)

It's been a month since I've moved in with wade. We got to know each other a bit more and we had sex a few times already. For the past few days I've been feeling sick. 'I should go see the doctor if I have the flu or something'. I think to myself. I get dressed and get my stuff I need. After I have everything and head out to the doctor. Wade has been letting me use his vespa. I get on and turn it on and drive off. I drove to the clinic. It took me 30 minutes. I park the vespa and walk into the clinic. I walked to the clinic and talked to the receptionist and she told me to fill out the paperwork. When I was done with it I gave it back to her and sat down and waited to be called.

After an hour of waiting I finally got called. "Hello, I'm Doctor Field. What brings you here miss (last name)." Dr. Field asks me. "I've been having stomach pains and throwing up and I'm not sure why." I informed her. She does the basic tests on me. "Well you don't have the flu or anything like that but you will have to pee in this cup and I'll test it. When I get the tests back we'll know the answer." Dr. Field tells me. "You can wait outside in the waiting room till the tests come back". she says. I went back to the waiting room. (not sure how long pregnancy tests take). 30 minutes later Dr. Field calls me back into the room and looks at the tests. "So why am I feeling sick, doctor"? i ask her. "The reason is because you're pregnant. You're 2 weeks pregnant to be exact". she tells me.

I froze when I heard her. "WHAT"?? I yell out of shock. "You're pregnant. Is this your first time"? she asks me. "yes it is. How can that be? I've taken birth control pills." I told her. "The pill isn't 100% effective. There's a 1% chance you can still get pregnant." she informs me. "What do I do now?" I say. "That's up to you and your partner." she says handing me pamphlets about first time mothers and options. I take them and say a quick Thank You and leave the office. I rode the vespa back to my place in a daze. Not sure how I made home in one piece. I get to the apartment and stay in my room til Wade gets home and talk to him. I lay in bed. 'I'm pregnant, I can't believe it. I have a baby. I'm so happy. I'm shocked to hear it but happy. hope wade will be happy to hear the news like i am". I think to myself. 'How will Wade act? Will he be happy or mad? we'll have to move if he doesn't want to be in the baby's life. I ask myself. We'll have to move into room and have a room for the baby or move to a bigger house/apartment?" I think out loud.

I heard the apartment front door open and I was freaking out. After that, I had to calm myself down. It was around 5 and I forgot to make dinner. I walked out of my room and saw Wade with a bag of food. "Hey toots." he says, putting some of his stuff on the table with a smile. "How was your day wade?" I asked him. "It was good, I just finished my job for the week. I didn't want to be busy all week. so we can have fun and go out." He told me. "That's great Wade." I told him. I wonder how I should tell him the big news. "Wade, I need to tell you something." I tell him with a worried tone how he will react. "Ok babe, what's up." he says as he walks to his room. He got out of his costume and changed into clothes. He sits on the couch and I sit next to him and cuddle up to him. "So what did you want to tell me?" Wade asks. "Well I've been feeling sick for a few days now and I went to the doctors to see why I was sick. The doctor took some tests to see why I was sick. when the doctor got the result back.." I start off. "What did the test say?" Wade asks with a worried tone. "It said I'M PREGNANT." I told him yelling out the last part. We just looked at each other for what felt like forever. After a while he finally said something. "You're pregnant?" he says shocked. "Yes. How do you feel about it?" I am scared of what he will say or react. "Fuck yes. I'm happy. I'm going to be a dad. we're going to have a baby." he says happily. I burst out crying. Wade panicked. "Why are you crying?" He asks worriedly. "I was worried about how you would react or say." I tell im crying. Wade gave me a hug and kissed my lips. He kisses me deeply and I kiss him back. After a little make out we order food and talk a bit about baby stuff.

When our food gets here we move into his room and my room will be the baby's room. We needed to get baby stuff. Some of my dressers and shelves will stay here for the baby. It was getting late so we headed to bed. We got in and lay in our bed and cuddled. We both fell asleep in each other's arms. 'The next 9 months are going to be a roller coaster for me. Luckily I won't be alone.' I say as I fall asleep in the arms of Wade Wilson.


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